The Wellness Blog


Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Breaking Health News on Arthritis

Debra Murray

Are Galectins a New Target for Reducing Arthritis Joint Pain?  Pain is the most common complaint of arthritis sufferers and the primary reason they seek medical treatment or therapy. Pain can dominate the experience of arthritis sufferers often making daily tasks difficult. Many physicians believe that pain control should be the primary goal of medical interventions. Most of this pain arises from inflammation of the joints.   Inflammation is a normal process by which the body gets rid of bad bacteria and repairs the damage caused by physical injuries. The immune cells are key components of this process and therefore...

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Health Warning: Dangers of Arthritis 

Debra Murray

There are several types of arthritis. All of them can cause uncomfortable stiffness and sometimes unbearable pain and can eventually lead to disability.    Osteoarthritis is a condition where a joint such as the fingers, hands, neck, back, hip or knee swells and/or causes pain. This can come about due to aging joints or if the joint has been diseased or injured. Other types of arthritis come about when the immune system attacks the body or when an infection attacks a joint. These types of arthritis can lead to complications that may cause some symptoms to be dangerous.    Even...

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Learn About Healthy Skin Plus Pain Free Muscles & Joints

Debra Murray

For thousands of years Australian Aborigines have used one natural ingredient that would require an entire medicine chest today. This ingredient, native to Australia, has been successful in reducing the pain, itching, and inflammation of insect bites, treating sunburns, healing wounds, and relieving pain from muscle aches and joints.   This Secret Natural Ingredient is Emu Oil Emu oil is excellent for anyone with sensitive skin or allergies. It is a natural, non-toxic, skin care product gentle enough for all skin types from babies to the elderly. It does not clog skin pores and is non-irritating.   Throughout the world,...

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Simple Health Tips for Knee Pain

Debra Murray

Arthritis is a family of incurable musculoskeletal disorders. There are more than 100 different arthritis conditions that destroy joints, bones, muscles, cartilage and connective tissues. These conditions cause pain and hinder physical movement.   The disease affects approximately 50 million adults and 300,000 children and it is actually the nation’s leading cause of disability. When you experience knee pain due to an injury damaged nerves in that area dispense chemical signals. Other nerves then send the signals to your brain which recognizes them as pain. Knee arthritis pain is caused by the following factors:   Inflammation in the joints. Damage to joint tissues caused...

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