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Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Avoid Joint Pain Without Negative Side Effects

Debra Murray

While you may be unsure of how to guard against joint pain without experiencing any side effects, there are a few things that can be done to win the battle. By following some tips and guidelines, you can help your body avoid aching joints and remain active for most of the rest of your life. With a healthy body, you can continue to participate in your favorite activities without worrying about discomfort.   Exercise Most individuals can maintain flexibility by choosing a series of exercises that will not be overly hard on your joints. Stretching, for example, can actually increase...

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Health Warning: Lack of Movement Can Increase Pain

Debra Murray

  Arthritis sufferers struggle with a very special set of health challenges. As they grow older, they are concerned about a healthy cardiopulmonary system and know that a consistent program of exercise can help to prevent the onset of problems in this area. They also struggle with the fact that arthritis has rendered their bones and joints to be extremely painful, which tends to discourage these sufferers from exercising out of fear that they may be doing further damage to inflamed bones and joints.   As logical as this reasoning may sound, it is actually untrue. In fact, the reverse...

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Dangers of Achilles Tendonitis

Debra Murray

  Achilles tendonitis is an injury resulting from overuse of the Achilles tendon, the band of muscle that runs from the bottom of the calf to the heel. It is common in runners who dramatically increase their speed in a short period of time, and in middle-aged individuals who remain active only once or twice per week. Achilles tendonitis is caused by repeated strain placed on the Achilles tendon. This is one of the most-used tendons in your body, involved in running, walking, and raising up onto the balls of your feet.    Warning Signs The first signs of Achilles tendonitis usually involve prolonged...

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Dangers of Gout

Debra Murray

  Gout is a condition that affects the joint areas of the body. It is a type of arthritis that can cause pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints. If the problem continues, damage to the joints and tendons can occur and you could experience serious health issues.    The pain that comes with gout can cause serious health concerns. Cardiovascular health could be affected, and individuals could experience depression and weight issues. When people have gout, uric acid levels build up in the joints. The pain and stiffness associated with this can cause health problems.    Patients who have gout in their hips, knees,...

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Simple Health Tips for Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferers

Debra Murray

  For those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis pain, there are alternative therapies to treatment with drugs when dealing with the pain, inflammation and stiffness associated with this condition. Alternative therapies and home remedies are generally safer with less risk of side effects when compared to prescription medications.   Exercise Although exercise may be the last thing you want to do when you are feeling the pain and stiffness from arthritis, exercise can be especially helpful at reducing those symptoms while increasing range of motion in the joints. Gentle, stretching exercises often work best, such as t'ai chi, or aquatic exercise,...

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Dangers of Frozen Shoulder

Debra Murray

  Adhesive capsulitis causes pain, stiffness and limited movement in the shoulder joint. The tissues surrounding the joint become stiff, movement in the shoulder becomes painful and difficult and scar tissue forms. Most of the time, the condition occurs slowly, but then, it also goes away slowly over a period of several months or more.   The condition can develop whenever you stop using the joint due to an injury, pain or other chronic health condition. Any type of problem with the shoulder can lead to adhesive capsulitis if you don’t work on maintaining full movement in the joint.  ...

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Simple Health Tips for Arthritis

Debra Murray

  If you suffer with osteoarthritis you are forced to live with stiff, painful, swollen joints every day. This form of arthritis often affects the hips, knees and hands. Natural topical pain relief medications can be lifesavers as they help manage inflammation and pain. When these medications are combined with healthy lifestyle choices, it can make living with arthritis more bearable.   Get Active Regular exercise can help your joints stay flexible, increase mobility and reduce pain. Swimming, water aerobics, stationary biking, Pilates and yoga are ideal choices for arthritis sufferers as they are low impact and they don't put...

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Simple Health Tips to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Debra Murray

Lower back pain can make standing, sitting and bending down cumbersome. This condition is usually the result of sprains, strains, spinal wear and tear and such age-related conditions as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Don't let back pain interfere with your life. Use these simple tips to get relief.    Use Hot and Cold Compresses Applying a hot and cold compress simultaneously can be very effective at relieving lower back pain. Cold reduces inflammation and makes pain more tolerable. Heat loosens tense muscles and relaxes painful back spasms. Wait about 48 hours after the initial back injury to apply heat. Using heat...

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HealthStyle: Athlete – How YOU can live an Athletic Life

Katie Hightower

Did you know that you don’t have to live your life one buzzer beater at a time to live an athletic lifestyle? Being an athlete is simply the act of choosing to live an active, healthy life.   Characteristics of an athlete: Proper Nutrition Dedication to Practice Achieving Enough Rest Nurturing the Body   If you fulfill these characteristics, then you are already embracing the HealthStyle of an athlete!   Nutrition For athletes of any age, one of the most important focus factors is maintaining balanced and healthy nutrition. If you are involved in an endurance activity like cross-country skiing...

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Five Ways to Prevent Muscle Pain

Debra Murray

Pulling or straining a muscle is easier than most people think. It can happen to the fittest athletes and even the most limber young children, not just older adults. This type of injury can take some time to heal, which reduces the ability to exercise in the meantime. Luckily, muscle pain can be prevented by using the following five easy tips:     Don't Forget to Stretch    It is a good idea to stretch before performing any physical tasks, such as moving boxes in the garage or mowing the lawn. It might seem silly, but it will warm the muscles up,...

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The Dangers of Over-the-Counter Pain Medication - INFOGRAPHIC

Debra Murray

  It cannot be denied that over-the-counter pain medications are convenient. No doctor trips required. No prescriptions needed. These drugs can be found in almost any drugstore or supermarket. However, the most convenient option does not always mean the safest option. Below, you’ll find a list of the dangers that are associated with over-the-counter pain medications along with some replacement natural remedies.   The Effect on Your Heart The improper use of ibuprofen blocks two important enzymes. Blocking these enzymes causes a gradual increase in blood pressure, which in turn causes inflammation and pain. Ibuprofen is actually associated with a...

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How to Know the Difference Between Muscle Pain and Joint Pain

Debra Murray

Joint and muscle pain are both so common that people often get them confused. They are actually two different medical conditions. Doctors refer to muscle pain as “myalgia” and joint pain is called “arthralgia.” Each one has to be cared for in a specific way, so it is important to understand the different symptoms between them.    How to Tell if it is Muscle Pain  Muscle pain is caused by different injuries than joint pain is. Usually, a person gets it when they overexert themselves, or they develop inflammation because of an illness. Tension and stress can contribute to it...

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Things You are Probably Doing Wrong in Your Workout

Debra Murray

It is usually those who are just starting out with an exercise regimen that need the most guidance. However, even the fittest exercise enthusiast can use a few pointers to perfect their routine. Because of this, we came up with a list of some helpful hints to follow on how to correct some of the most common workout mistakes.   1. Too Much of the Same Old Cardio Routine The body responds best to exercise when it doesn't know what to expect. Sticking with the same form of cardio each time that you work out may seem comfortable and familiar,...

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What is Myalgia, and How Can It Be Treated?

Debra Murray

In medical terms, muscle pain is called “myalgia”. It can be caused by many different medical conditions, but it most commonly occurs from the muscles being strained or distended from overuse. If this is the case, it can be treated using a combination of any of the following methods:      Rest  It is best to rest for a few days after an injury to the muscles. That way, further damage won't occur. After this, it is important to resume movement because the muscles will get stiff otherwise. This makes them more susceptible to being injured again. Sometimes, doctors recommend physical therapy for muscle strains, which...

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Achieve Pain Free Movement

Debra Murray

If you have pain, any movement might cause more pain. Moving around can seem like a gamble. However, all hope is not lost. Pain free movement can be yours when you learn the right information. Take a look at these tips to help you avoid moving with pain any longer.   Know When Your Pain Typically Starts Be aware of the times you're most likely to be in pain. Do you experience pain when you wake up in the morning? Do you feel most pain after your workday? Focusing on the times of day when you feel most in pain...

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Avoid Lower Back Pain

Debra Murray

80 percent of people will learn, at some point in their lives, what the ache of back pain feels like. The most common causes of back pain are sprains, strains, injuries, herniated discs and age-related degenerative conditions. If your pain is constant and severe, it can affect your personal and work life.   Back Pain Negatively Affects Sleep Getting a good night’s rest with an achy back is next to impossible. Poor sleep patterns can leave you too moody and tired to hang out with your loved ones or be productive at work. No matter how much your family and...

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Health Tips for Fibromyalgia Pain

Debra Murray

  Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that causes chronic widespread pain and tenderness on different points of the body. Although there is no known cure, there are several things that a patient can do to help relieve the symptoms. Sleep Because one of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia is chronic fatigue, getting enough sleep is essential. To do this you should practice good sleeping habits. Develop a sleep schedule and stick to it. Try to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep a night.For a better night's rest, avoid napping during the daytime. Avoid Stress This doesn't mean that you have to quit your job....

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Ease the Pain of Fibromyalgia

Debra Murray

Anyone who deals with the pain of fibromyalgia understands how debilitating and frustrating it can be. This condition involves pervasive pain throughout the body. Chronic in nature, it can flare up, intensifying with certain triggers, easing at other times. Inflammation is believed to be at the heart of this disorder, yet a definite cause is still unknown. Those who suffer can take heart. Lifestyle changes can help to ease their pain. Adequate rest is essential A good night's sleep is absolutely vital for anyone who has fibromyalgia. When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces more stress levels. This then results in more inflammation,...

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Breaking Health News on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Debra Murray

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) primarily affects people who work with their hands frequently. Though it can affect any person within any age group and demographic, CTS primarily affects middle-aged people. The reason for that is because the body's natural immune system has already weakened, making it harder for a person's body to fight inflammation and any deviation from normal body function, which is the case with CTS.     What causes CTS? Many things can cause CTS. However, recent research studies found that it was hard to directly pinpoint physical causes of CTS due to lack of pure evidence. Nevertheless, when everything is simplified,...

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Your Pain Is Yours Uniquely

Debra Murray

Your Pain is Yours Uniquely, No One Else Has It   When my father invented Blue Stuff in the 1990’s, customers flocked to his door. He found that it worked on all kinds of pain, and sadly the list is long.   Since he was an inventor, he loved to experiment. This resulted in several different versions of Super Blue Stuff over the years. When I became involved in customer service I struggled for an answer of how to please all of his customers who sometimes wanted different versions of Blue Stuff.   So we embarked on an extensive research...

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