Debra MurrayEveryone loves sledding! Whether you go for fun by yourself or with your grandkids, you need to be physically fit. This fun activity is becoming more and more popular to healthy, active adults. In fact, sleds are now being made with adults, and not just kids in mind.
There is no better way to get into shape than to be running up hills, flying down them, and laughing breathlessly. It is great exercise and cardio and burns many calories! It takes no prep or special gear aside from a sled and it is essentially free to do. Get started sledding today but be sure to keep your adult body in mind.
Treating Muscle Aches From Sledding
When you get older, however, the aches and pains can start coming on especially when bending over to scoop up your sled and crouching down on it to sit. It is easy to forget to bring pain relievers and then regret it for many days afterwards when you are sore from just getting out of bed. Who wants that?
To prevent this, it is suggested to use a pain reliever before sledding for warm up and afterwards to avoid muscle soreness and aches and pains. You can take an oral pill, but the best way is to use a simple cream. No pain, no hassle. Rub the cream on before you put on your winter clothes and then after you get home.
Super Blue Stuff OTC is over-the-counter and made from natural Emu oil. It is made from 23 natural ingredients, of which 11 are therapeutic herbs. Over the counter creams are best because why go to a needless doctor's appointment and pay the copay plus prescription costs? Not to mention dealing with questionable and dangerous chemicals.
This pain relief cream:
- Is Safe
- Is Natural
- Has No Side Effects
- Has a Travel Size
- Smells Mildly of Peaches
You can take it with you to hills and mountains because it comes in both a roll-on and travel size! Take it on any vacation, because it can be used not only for sore muscles after sledding, but for:
- Arthritis
- Joint Pain
- Backaches
- Myalgia
- Sprains
- Strains
- And more!
Take this multi-use product on your next sledding trip this winter! It is guaranteed to leave you feeling good so you can keep sledding to your heart's content. Your body will thank you for it.