We are happy to announce that Emu Therapy products can be shipped directly to any global address (except for Canada). To place an order, just add the items in your online shopping cart and enter the international shipping address. The shipping cost will be quoted on the Check Out page. To place an order, just click the link titled ‘Complete our International Order Request’ and complete the form. An Emu Therapy representative will be in touch with you with a quote on shipping costs and other relevant information. All taxes, duties, customs fees, and other government charges are passed on to the customer with no markup.

Because most Emu Therapy products contain ingredients derived from animals, whether emu oil or other ingredients, all shipments containing these ingredients must be declared and inspected by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service for compliance with laws and regulations related to trade in endangered animals. This is generally a seamless process, but it can add 1-2 days to order delivery times, and there is a $93 charge for the inspection. Emu Therapy will reduce the charge to $50 for individual customers who order at least $250 worth of products, and we will cover the entire inspection fee for individuals who buy $500 or more.

There is a minimum order size of $200 for orders that ship to the European Union.

If you prefer not to pay international shipping, you can order directly from our International Distributors. Click the appropriate link below to connect with the website that sells Emu Therapy products in your country. Please note that international websites may use the native language for the respective country. The entire selection of Emu Therapy products may not be available from every distributor.