Debra MurrayThis Alternative Approach to Exercise is Changing People's Lives
As we begin to enter the more mature years of of life, we often look to increase our health through various means of exercise. Some of us head to our local gym to perform hours of cardio, weight reps and specific machines to target our muscle groups. But many gym enthusiasts are, quite simply, getting bored of their current routine.
"It feels so boring and monotonous," you may hear them exclaim when thinking about their fitness lifestyle. That's why more individuals are shying away from traditional gym routines and turning to alternative practices, such as snowboarding, to change their lives.
Snowboarding, to put it bluntly, is exhilarating, rewarding and provides an entire body workout in a fraction of the time a traditional approach would take. Unlike certain free weights and machines, snowboarding recruits every muscle fiber in the body to correctly move and navigate through the snow. Most importantly, snowboarding engages the erector and stabilizers muscles within the midsection to maintain balance as you move throughout the movements.
Stabilizer muscles, commonly referred to as the core, are responsible for maintaining the skeletal system of our body. When we increase the strength and lean muscle mass in this area through snowboarding, we can alleviate chronic issues like lower back pain and muscular fatigue. Ask yourself this: How much of your life is negatively influenced by specific issues within your body? In fact, the American Chriopractic Assosciation has found that the leading cause of disability on a worldwide scale stems from lower back issues. By engaging in snowboarding activities, we can reduce these symptoms and generate a healthy ecosystem within our body. If we combine proper warmup, and in some cases topical pain reliever cream applied to nagging areas, with our efforts we can improve our health and pain tolerance dramatically.
As stated earlier, snowboarding is a unique approach to improving one's life through healthy and rigorous exercise performed on a daily basis. Experts now believe that partaking in this activity can improve the way you walk, your posture, and even our flexibility. Located below is a brief insight into the benefits you can expect to experience after your next session:
Perhaps the most overlooked benefit that snowboarding can have on participants is the friendships and life-long connections you make with people. When you're up on the mountain carving through trails, time stands still for a brief moment. The connection you have with other riders, and the platform you have in which to express your creativity, are boundless and only limited to you. Get out there and experience what the mountain has to offer! You will, unequivocally, produce a healthy lifestyle and strengthen your system as you go through the aging process.
Why Snowboarding?
Snowboarding, to put it bluntly, is exhilarating, rewarding and provides an entire body workout in a fraction of the time a traditional approach would take. Unlike certain free weights and machines, snowboarding recruits every muscle fiber in the body to correctly move and navigate through the snow. Most importantly, snowboarding engages the erector and stabilizers muscles within the midsection to maintain balance as you move throughout the movements.
Stabilizer muscles, commonly referred to as the core, are responsible for maintaining the skeletal system of our body. When we increase the strength and lean muscle mass in this area through snowboarding, we can alleviate chronic issues like lower back pain and muscular fatigue. Ask yourself this: How much of your life is negatively influenced by specific issues within your body? In fact, the American Chriopractic Assosciation has found that the leading cause of disability on a worldwide scale stems from lower back issues. By engaging in snowboarding activities, we can reduce these symptoms and generate a healthy ecosystem within our body. If we combine proper warmup, and in some cases topical pain reliever cream applied to nagging areas, with our efforts we can improve our health and pain tolerance dramatically.
Improvement to the Entire System
As stated earlier, snowboarding is a unique approach to improving one's life through healthy and rigorous exercise performed on a daily basis. Experts now believe that partaking in this activity can improve the way you walk, your posture, and even our flexibility. Located below is a brief insight into the benefits you can expect to experience after your next session:
- Increased flexibility in major joints such as hips, shoulders, ankles and elbows.
- Improved lung capacity and Oxygen flow to the system.
- Beneficial boosts to balance and hand-eye coordination.
- Mental clarity and improved concentration.
Perhaps the most overlooked benefit that snowboarding can have on participants is the friendships and life-long connections you make with people. When you're up on the mountain carving through trails, time stands still for a brief moment. The connection you have with other riders, and the platform you have in which to express your creativity, are boundless and only limited to you. Get out there and experience what the mountain has to offer! You will, unequivocally, produce a healthy lifestyle and strengthen your system as you go through the aging process.