The Wellness Blog


Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Horseback Riding

Debra Murray

Manage Your Pain and Stress With Horseback Riding   There is something about a horse that is good for a person. From the outside it seems like horseback riding is very simple. A rider has to command the horse and horse will do all the work. However, there is more to horseback riding than you would expect. There two major horseback riding styles.  English What makes the English riding style different from other riding styles is the fact that there is no horn on the saddle. There are also different disciplines in English riding like:   Hunter Dressage Eventing Show...

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Debra Murray

Best Pain Relievers for Crafting or Hobbies  As adults approach their senior years, and for those already in them, many search to find an enjoyable activity. Perhaps to help relieve tension or pent-up emotions, such as those experienced by people preparing for retirement, or maybe to help fill what used to be time spent on the job.    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Americans typically spend five to six hours per day on leisure activities such as creative hobbies. $1.3 billion was spent in 2013 making the hobby and crafts industry a big business.      Popular and Growing...

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Debra Murray

Take a Hike and Take Charge of Fitness If you love the outdoors and are looking for new ways to improve your fitness, hiking may be your answer. Hiking can seem intimidating because it is easy to imagine professionals trekking across the Appalachian trail or traversing the Pacific Crest Trail. However, most hikers are not high performance athletes, but regular people who simply enjoy getting out into nature, while improving physical fitness.    The World Health Organization recommends older adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic activity. Most...

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