The Wellness Blog


Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Macular Degeneration

Debra Murray

Optimal Eye Health  Excellent eyesight is one of our most important sensory abilities that keeps us involved with the daily pursuit of a healthy, vibrant, and active lifestyle. Modern ophthalmology, the branch of medicine that specializes in diseases of the eye, has advanced significantly in recent years when it comes to vision impairment caused by cataracts, glaucoma, and other barriers to 20/20 vision.    Few people realize that macular degeneration causes more vision loss than any of these other eye diseases combined, with over 10 million Americans affected. Macular degeneration occurs when a part of the retina—the macula—becomes damaged for a...

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Micro Tears

Debra Murray

What is Micro-trauma? Micro-trauma is a blanket term physicians use to denote a variety of small injuries to the body. Oftentimes, these injuries come in the form of muscle tearing, called micro-tears, and occur as a result of overusing a muscle group in a particular way. Because of this, some experts refer to micro-tears as a kind of "overuse injury," although it's possible for Micro-trauma to occur in other ways, too. Micro-trauma Symptoms Micro-trauma often brings with it some inflammation of the affected and surrounding area. However, because micro-tears are so small and often localized, it is possible you may...

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Muscle Cramps

Debra Murray

5 Remedies to Help Prevent Muscle Cramps Muscle cramps can be more than just a bothersome, often painful inconvenience. They can happen at inopportune times during normal daily activities, or be debilitating for athletes. Regardless of when or why you experience muscle cramps, they are frustrating. If the cramps become serious enough, they can actually result in serious injury. There are some practical remedies for muscle cramps. The degree of commitment depends on the level of activity. Here are five remedies for muscle cramps. Some are suggestions to help prevent cramps during everyday activities, while others are designed to eliminate...

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Muscle Weakness

Debra Murray

What is Muscle Weakness? Muscle weakness is a little more than just a general feeling of tiredness and fatigue. In clinical terms, muscle weakness is what happens when you are unable to have a regular muscular contraction despite giving it your best effort. Even the term weak muscles is often used in a clinical setting to describe this problem.While muscle weakness can and does happen to almost everyone at various points in their lives—after a particularly difficult workout for example—long-term weakness or weakness without a discernable catalyst can point to a larger problem. I will now explore some of the causes...

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Debra Murray

Learning to play a musical instrument provides numerous holistic benefits for the mind, body and soul. While a lot of attention has focused on benefits associated with young learners, music has a substantial effect on older adults too. Whether your ambitions are to play at Carnegie Hall one day or to simply learn your favorite songs for your own listening pleasure, don't let a late start keep you from this enjoyable and healthy activity. Cognitive BenefitsLearning a new instrument builds new neural connections which not only facilitates music learning but also strengthens cognitive ability in many different intellectual areas. Individuals perform...

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