The Wellness Blog


Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Obstacle Course

Debra Murray

  Don't Let Any Obstacle Stand in Your Way For too long “woman” has been a bad word and “like a girl” has been an insult. We all know that in the male-dominated societies of most of the world, women have been given a low status. Because of this, being put into the categories of “woman” and “girl” has meant being less than someone else who acts, thinks, or performs “like a man.” We all also know that without women, no man would have ever been born, let alone succeeded in life. That is why we are done putting men...

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Debra Murray

Fight the Fat   According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than a third of the American adult population is obese. A collection of statistics and facts about obesity reveals that this condition is most prevalent in adults who are 40 years of age and older. The rate is slightly higher among women, but men are affected as well. Obesity is defined simply as having excess deposits of fat on your body to the point of jeopardizing your health and longevity.   Obesity Causes  Calorie surplus occurs when the number of calories that you take in exceeds the...

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Debra Murray

Painful joints that make it hard to get out of bed and keep moving throughout the day is one of the most debilitating parts of growing older. One in twelve individuals over the age of sixty suffers from the degenerative joint disease known as osteoarthritis (OA). Osteoarthritis treatment requires an understanding of the causes and symptoms related to the disease. Armed with that understanding and several simple remedies, you can find relief from OA and extend the life of the joints affected by it.   What is osteoarthritis? Though OA can cause pain in any joint, it is most common...

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