Let’s Welcome Emu Therapy to the Family!
Debra MurrayYou may have noticed something different in recent orders shipped from BLUESPRING. Maybe you saw it on a box stuffer or an email. Maybe you saw a sticker on the latest product you received from us. If you haven’t noticed yet … it’s about to get a lot harder to miss. We are welcoming Emu Therapy to the family of BLUESPRING products!
Beginning very soon, you will see Pure Prime Emu Oil change its look, and we think you’ll like it! As the first product line to take on the new brand name, Emu Therapy will show its own vision of the Pure Prime Emu Oil label and will replace BLUESPRING as the company logo and contact information on the emu oil you have come to love and trust for its quality and effectiveness. But not to worry, the same dedicated people are watching over the product, and the same live, friendly agents will be answering the phone calls and emails from our loyal customers.
A few other things you may be on the lookout for:
- We will be updating our web site, www.bluespringwellness.com, to include the Emu Therapy logo. The Pure Prime Emu Oil page will undergo some more significant changes as we incorporate the new label design into the overall look.
- Emails will shift, including the color palette and contact information.
- Company email addresses are going to change to emutherapy.com instead of bluespringwellness.com. Emails sent to BLUESPRING addresses will still get to us, but you will see emutherapy.com as the addresses we are sending from and that you reply to.
There will be more changes, but we won’t update everything at once. You have trusted BLUESPRING for many years, and Blue Stuff for years before that. We understand how loyalty can take time to transition to a new name. We’re going to be patient, and we know you will be glad you stayed with us.