Fascia Restriction

Fascia Restriction

Debra Murray

What Is Fascia Restriction?

Fascia (pronounced faa-shuh) is a fibrous tissue that wraps around all the internal parts of the body. Fascia and its connection with every bone, muscle, joint, and organ holds our bodies together and keeps things where they are supposed to be. However, when there is a severe trauma such as a car collision or prolonged pressure such as slouching that pushes things out of place, fascia can adjust to accommodate a different placement of the body parts it is connected to. If the body is not returned to its proper arrangement soon, fascia will "remember" this new position and begin to keep the body in that position rather than its natural state. Repetitive movements and impacts can also cause fascia to thicken and dry out, becoming less flexible and dynamic. Fascia restriction is when fascia is adjusted, thickened, or otherwise less flexible than normal.


Fascia and Pain

Because fascia is attached to just about everything inside the body, it can be the source of pain when those parts are displaced; when fascia is keeping a bone or other part of the body in one spot, trying to move that bone to a different spot will hurt! In fact, fascia restriction can result in chronic pain if not addressed properly or in a timely manner. Pain can also be triggered by attempting to return the body to its natural state if fascia has adjusted to hold it in an altered position over time. When fascia is thicker than usual or in an unnatural position, it can impact nerves, as well. Plantar fasciitis is one common example of fascia restriction that causes significant pain for many people.


How Can Fascia Restriction Be Corrected?

Stretching can help fascia to retain its natural flexibility and function, but if it has become displaced, then the body must be reset to its natural position. To do this, fascia must be held under pressure while the body goes back into place. Depending on the extent of the fascia restriction and length of time it has been out of place, fascia may actually move the body back to its altered arrangement after it has been fixed, and require repeated correction. This is why a chiropractor sometimes needs to make the same adjustments over and over again before a patient feels prolonged relief. After getting used to the correct placement again, fascia can relearn to hold the original position rather than the altered one. There is likely to be some pain and discomfort as a body acclimates to the restored position, but in time the pain will subside as the fascia begins to hold things in their correct placement again.


Natural pain relief products such as Super Blue Stuff OTC can help with pain resulting from fascia restriction as well as the process of adjusting back to normal body function. Though temporary, the relief is real and can help to make the sometimes drawn out journey to wellness more bearable.


To help with the correction of fascia restriction, Emu Therapy offers its Spiky Ball Massage Roller, which is a tool many people use to impact the fascia, hold it under pressure, and make adjustments to bones, joints, and muscles that can reset the body to a healthy and natural state. We also have the Fascia Massage Gun to impact fascia with percussive massage and the Handheld Electric Massager to use gentle vibration as a means of relaxing muscles and stimulating recovery.






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