topical pain reliever, stretching, fitness trainers, sodium, calcium, supplements, potassium, magnesium, hydrate, electrolytes, fitness training, athletic competitions, muscle cramps, athletes, injury, level of activity

Muscle Cramps

Debra Murray

5 Remedies to Help Prevent Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps can be more than just a bothersome, often painful inconvenience. They can happen at inopportune times during normal daily activities, or be debilitating for athletes. Regardless of when or why you experience muscle cramps, they are frustrating.

If the cramps become serious enough, they can actually result in serious injury. There are some practical remedies for muscle cramps. The degree of commitment depends on the level of activity.

Here are five remedies for muscle cramps. Some are suggestions to help prevent cramps during everyday activities, while others are designed to eliminate cramping during intense fitness training or athletic competitions.


The first thing you want to do is hydrate. By drinking the recommended volume of fluids, you can help remedy muscle cramps. This doesn't always mean drinking more water.

Frequently, people drink too much water and actually drain electrolytes from their body. You need to practice balanced and consistent hydration. This will help eliminate a common cause of muscle cramps.


To combat the loss of electrolytes that create muscle cramps, you can add a sports drink to your daily routine. Be mindful that the sugar content of many of these drinks is high.

Some people find a series of supplements such as potassium and magnesium help reduce the prevalence of cramps. Here are some key electrolytes to help remedy muscle cramps.

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium


There is some scientific evidence that poor hydration and low electrolyte levels are not the primary cause of muscle cramps. Many studies indicate that the tendency for a muscle to cramp increases dramatically as it becomes tired. For this reason, always give your muscles sufficient time to recover between intense activities.


Anyone who has experienced a muscle cramp understands how stretching the cramp can relax it. However, stretching is also a remedy to help prevent muscle cramps altogether. Warm up stretching should always be part of a routine for athletes and fitness trainers.

Poor stretching, before exercise or strenuous physical activity, dramatically increases the chances of muscle cramps and injury. Muscles that are not properly stretched are prone to cramping, plus the risk of injury is magnified. Here are some points to remember when stretching your muscles as a remedy for muscle cramps.

  • Good stretching involves both warm-up stretches and post activity stretching. This can be as simple as stretching before you start your workday and then a relaxing stretch before bed.
  • Never stretch a cold muscle. You need to do some type of very moderate movement to get your blood flowing before stretching your muscles.
  • The amount of time for each stretch is critical. Avoid stretching any muscle, or muscle group for less than 30 seconds. Stretching for a full minute is recommended.
  • To maintain a good stretching routine, repeat the same stretching moves warm-up during a cool down period. Follow the same time guidelines.


Stretching your muscles beforehand will help prevent muscle cramps during the activity. Properly stretching muscles after a workout or activity is also important. The whole concept of stretching helps to reduce the tension in your muscles, helping to prevent cramps.

Topical Muscle Creams

These are techniques you need to use consistently to help remedy muscle cramps. However, what can you do immediately to help prevent muscle cramping? You can use a topical pain reliever both before, and after a workout or activity.

Topical creams can be applied to your muscles to help enhance the stretching stage. Applying a topical pain reliever afterward is a great way to help prevent both muscle cramps and soreness. Experts recommend using products made using a natural herbal base, like Super Blue Stuff OTC, Super White Stuff OTC, or one of our many other pain relief creams.

There isn't a full-proof method to totally avoid muscle cramps, especially if you train at a high level, or frequently participate in intense sports. However, by using these preventative steps you can all but eliminate cramps from becoming a serious problem.

If you hydrate properly and maintain the correct level of electrolytes you will attend to the biological factors behind many muscle cramps. Proper rest between rigorous activity and a dedicated stretching routine will reduce the chances even more.

To put the finishing touches on reducing muscle cramps, you can use a safe alternative like a quality topical pain reliever. There are natural herbal remedies available to use before workouts, after activity, or in the course of your everyday life.

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