Health Warning: Take Care to Avoid Hair Loss

Health Warning: Take Care to Avoid Hair Loss

Debra Murray

One of the first things that people usually notice about you is your hair. As you get older your body begins to change and you may start to notice that your hair and scalp are not as full of life as they used to be. Hair may seem to be a little dry, brittle, unmanageable and in some cases, thinning or falling out. However, it is not the end of the road! If you take care of your hair and scalp, you may be able to avoid potential hair loss and damage, and maybe even make your hair stronger and better than before.


Hair and Scalp Care Tips for Anti-Aging

With age, your hair often changes in texture and loses moisture as well as its volume and bounce. Therefore, it is important to take steps to lessen the impact of these changes. Some strategies that you should consider to help take care of your hair and scalp are as follows: 

  • Use moisturizing conditioners to help replace moisture and soften your hair 
  • Decrease the use of harsh chemicals such as dyes and hair perming creams that may damage your hair and scalp 
  • Avoid washing your hair too often 
  • Use hot curlers, blow dryers and curling irons sparingly 
  • Eat a nutritious and balanced diet, take nutritional vitamins, and do regular exercises 
  • Manage major life changes, including menopause and midlife crisis, as well as other emotional and physical stress


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