The Wellness Blog


Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Dangers of Opioid Medicines

Debra Murray

There are prescription drugs, and then there are the heavy hitters. When it comes to moderate to severe chronic pain, sometimes prescription opioid medication might feel like the only thing that actually works - but what exactly are opioids? If they are such an effective pain reliever, how dangerous could they be? What are Opioids? Opioids are a category of opium-related drugs ranging from natural to synthetic. Natural compounds extracted directly from the opium plant are called opiates, under which morphine and codeine are classified. From these opiates, semi-synthetic substances are derived, like the illicit drug heroin and the commonly prescribed hydrocodone...

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Breaking Health News on Dangerous Side Effects of Arthritis Medicines

Debra Murray

  Many drugs used to manage or treat arthritis have been associated with a number of complications. Here are a few of the dangers of arthritis drugs.    Hydrocodone Painkillers  Federal health advisors specializing in drug safety at the Food and Drug Administration have recommended restrictions on the use of hydrocodone, which is used to make many painkillers. Hydrocodone is a major ingredient in Vicodin, one of the most abused drugs. The recommendation comes from the concern that hydrocodone is addictive.  The Drug Enforcement Agency in the U.S. has consistently ranked hydrocodone as either the first or second most abused medicine in...

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The Dangers of Over-the-Counter Pain Medication - INFOGRAPHIC

Debra Murray

  It cannot be denied that over-the-counter pain medications are convenient. No doctor trips required. No prescriptions needed. These drugs can be found in almost any drugstore or supermarket. However, the most convenient option does not always mean the safest option. Below, you’ll find a list of the dangers that are associated with over-the-counter pain medications along with some replacement natural remedies.   The Effect on Your Heart The improper use of ibuprofen blocks two important enzymes. Blocking these enzymes causes a gradual increase in blood pressure, which in turn causes inflammation and pain. Ibuprofen is actually associated with a...

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