Video Testimonials

Video Testimonials

Debra Murray

The Original Blue Emu Oil Pain Reliever

Jack McClung came up with the idea to add emu oil to pain relief creams back in the 1990s. He had heard about emu oil and its amazing effects, and his mind immediately started working on how he could get that kind of product into the hands of more people. As a serial entrepreneur, he was running a barbecue restaurant at the time, but didn't let that stop him from working on the next big idea. Jack worked up some early formulas and began testing it on customers in his restaurant who had pain; he even used the condiment dispenser cups from his restaurant to put the product into! 


After realizing he had a good idea that worked, Jack stepped up the production and distribution of his product. He took his new blue creation to the Oklahoma State Fair and promoted it to those who passed by his booth. From there, things grew into a multi-million dollar enterprise, winning him accolades, awards, and a reputation. While Jack was a memorable character and someone who immediately put people at ease, his personality was not what sold his products. Well, maybe the first time a person bought it, but then Super Blue Stuff did the heavy lifting! 


Super Blue Stuff Hits the Airwaves

When Super Blue Stuff began to be sold on television, it was a bit of a revolution. Before that, infomercials (paid 30-minute commercials) had a formula they typically followed. When Jack created his commercial, it broke from tradition and focused almost solely on the stories people would tell of their own experiences with Super Blue Stuff. He didn't need to build up expectations or brag about how much better his product was, he only needed to let people talk and say what it had done for them. How can you argue with a man whose job had him in pain almost 24/7, but Super Blue Stuff gave him relief? How can you doubt a woman who breaks into tears thinking about how her quality of life has improved since she began using the product? And these weren't isolated cases or individuals. There were dozens of them in the commercial! 


So people responded, and the pain relief revolution had begun! And the testimonials didn't stop, either. Hundreds more people would write in - without prompting - to tell their stories. People with injuries that had left them in constant pain finally had the pain cycle interrupted. People who hadn't slept well for months or years finally woke up feeling refreshed in the morning. The details would vary, but the results were consistent: Super Blue Stuff had made the difference other products and medicines did not. People were living life again after fearing they would never be able to return to the way things were before pain took hold. These people were grateful for the relief, and wanted to share their stories.


Still Going After All These Years

The same thing continues to happen today. BLUESPRING receives letters, emails, posts on our web site, phone calls, and just about any other communication method you can think of from customers whose lives will never be the same again, or perhaps more accurately, whose lives are back to the way they want them. We encourage you to look through the reviews posted on our product pages. Look us up on, eBay, or and read what customers are posting there about our products. Find our Trustpilot profile and read those stories. 


You can also watch these video testimonials from people who have tried Super Blue Stuff for themselves and know how well it works:



Take the Final Step: Try Super Blue Stuff Now!

So what is keeping you from trying Super Blue Stuff? Don't let anything stand in your way, least of all the pain!

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