The Wellness Blog


Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Dangers of Opioid Medicines

Debra Murray

There are prescription drugs, and then there are the heavy hitters. When it comes to moderate to severe chronic pain, sometimes prescription opioid medication might feel like the only thing that actually works - but what exactly are opioids? If they are such an effective pain reliever, how dangerous could they be? What are Opioids? Opioids are a category of opium-related drugs ranging from natural to synthetic. Natural compounds extracted directly from the opium plant are called opiates, under which morphine and codeine are classified. From these opiates, semi-synthetic substances are derived, like the illicit drug heroin and the commonly prescribed hydrocodone...

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Simple Health Tips for Sciatica Sufferers

Debra Murray

    The sciatic nerve is the longest, as well as the widest, nerve in the body. When it becomes inflamed, as often happens even in active men and women over the age of 50, it can cause tremendous pain radiating from the lower back all the way down one side of the leg. Anyone who experiences chronic pain in either the right or left buttock, a shooting pain down one leg that makes even sitting down or standing up painful, or a burning and tingling sensation that radiates from the top of the hip all the way down to...

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Breaking Health News on Knee Pain

Debra Murray

  If you experience knee pain it is usually caused by overuse, poor form during exercise and not warming up and/or stretching before physical activity. You can alleviate pain that has just started by doing the following:   Resting and avoiding activities that cause pain Applying ice at least 4 times a day and keeping your knee elevated to bring down swelling Using a safe topical pain reliever. Apply every ten minutes until pain subsides then 3 times daily Using an ace bandage to provide support   You should contact a doctor if you have the following symptoms:   You...

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