The Wellness Blog


Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Avoid Joint Pain Without Negative Side Effects

Debra Murray

While you may be unsure of how to guard against joint pain without experiencing any side effects, there are a few things that can be done to win the battle. By following some tips and guidelines, you can help your body avoid aching joints and remain active for most of the rest of your life. With a healthy body, you can continue to participate in your favorite activities without worrying about discomfort.   Exercise Most individuals can maintain flexibility by choosing a series of exercises that will not be overly hard on your joints. Stretching, for example, can actually increase...

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Simple Health Tips for Sciatica Sufferers

Debra Murray

    The sciatic nerve is the longest, as well as the widest, nerve in the body. When it becomes inflamed, as often happens even in active men and women over the age of 50, it can cause tremendous pain radiating from the lower back all the way down one side of the leg. Anyone who experiences chronic pain in either the right or left buttock, a shooting pain down one leg that makes even sitting down or standing up painful, or a burning and tingling sensation that radiates from the top of the hip all the way down to...

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Simple Health Tips to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Debra Murray

Lower back pain can make standing, sitting and bending down cumbersome. This condition is usually the result of sprains, strains, spinal wear and tear and such age-related conditions as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Don't let back pain interfere with your life. Use these simple tips to get relief.    Use Hot and Cold Compresses Applying a hot and cold compress simultaneously can be very effective at relieving lower back pain. Cold reduces inflammation and makes pain more tolerable. Heat loosens tense muscles and relaxes painful back spasms. Wait about 48 hours after the initial back injury to apply heat. Using heat...

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Five Things All Athletes Should Do To Avoid Injury

Debra Murray

Playing sports or competing in a swimming or running race is a great way to burn calories and stay active. However, many kinds of high-impact activities like this cause a significant amount of strain on the body that can lead to serious injuries to the joints and muscles. The good news is that many sports related injuries can be avoided if a person uses the following five tips for preventing them:   Wear Safety Equipment Head gear, knee pads, and elbow pads all help to reduce the amount of trauma that the body endures from falls and high-impact tackles and...

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