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Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

What is Foot and Leg Comfort?

Debra Murray

Foot and Leg Comfort Cream by BLUESPRING is a blend of natural ingredients trusted to soothe tired muscles, ease swelling, and help your body improve circulation. The cooling effect of this cream is so relaxing it will become the best part of your day. If you suffer from any type of discomfort, swelling, irritation or fatigue in your feet or legs, you will appreciate the rejuvenating and soothing qualities of Foot and Leg Comfort.   Since this cream is made with natural ingredients, it is safe for diabetics. If your foot and leg discomfort is hampering your daily life or even your sleep, this cream could safely help soothe and relax...

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Apples and Pain Relief

Debra Murray

  An apple a day—natural pain remedies  Everyone knows the old expression, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but did you know that you can “Eat an apple a day to chase arthritis away”? Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries in traditional medicine as a natural remedy for many ailments. Home remedies such as a towel soaked in hot water and apple cider vinegar, then wrapped around the painful joint, was a common hot compress used to relieve pain and swelling. Apple cider vinegar and honey stirred into a glass of warm water and drunk once a day will help relieve...

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Dangers of Achilles Tendonitis

Debra Murray

  Achilles tendonitis is an injury resulting from overuse of the Achilles tendon, the band of muscle that runs from the bottom of the calf to the heel. It is common in runners who dramatically increase their speed in a short period of time, and in middle-aged individuals who remain active only once or twice per week. Achilles tendonitis is caused by repeated strain placed on the Achilles tendon. This is one of the most-used tendons in your body, involved in running, walking, and raising up onto the balls of your feet.    Warning Signs The first signs of Achilles tendonitis usually involve prolonged...

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Breaking Health News: Spondyloarthritis – Inflammatory Arthritis

Debra Murray

    Normally, osteoarthritis doesn’t cause inflammation in the joints. But there’s a type of arthritis called spondyloarthritis, which is a catch-all term for a group of joint diseases that do cause inflammation. Interestingly, unlike osteoarthritis, spondyloarthritis often attacks young adolescent and post-adolescent men.    Symptoms  Most people who suffer from spondyloarthritis suffer pain in their lower back, especially if they have a type of the condition called axial spondyloarthritis. They also suffer from painful swelling of their limbs if they have peripheral spondyloarthritis. The inflammation sets up in the areas where the tendons and the ligaments of the body connect to the sufferer’s bones. The bones...

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Breaking Health News: Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

Debra Murray

  Osteoarthritis often occurs with aging but younger people can acquire it too. When the cartilage that cushions joint bones becomes worn, it no longer cushions the moving bones of the joint. This condition can cause swelling, stiffness and pain in the joint. A number of treatments are recommended to reduce pain and increase mobility.     What Occurs in Osteoarthritis    Joint cartilage is composed of collagen, water and certain proteins. This cartilage may become damaged by repetitive movement of the joints or injury to the area. In the condition of osteoarthritis, the cartilage that helps to cushion the bones is...

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How to Reduce Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Debra Murray

  Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. The immune system of RA sufferers mistakenly attacks healthy tissue, and this includes the membrane that covers the body’s joints. The initial result is usually pain, swelling and warmth of all affected areas. Some people run a fever during a flare up and feel generally run down.    Rheumatoid arthritis should be diagnosed quickly so that treatment can begin as soon as possible. This helps prevent future complications. After your diagnosis, you have several options for treating the pain both via your physician and at home.    Oral Medications    Your doctor may...

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Dangers of Gout

Debra Murray

  Gout is a condition that affects the joint areas of the body. It is a type of arthritis that can cause pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints. If the problem continues, damage to the joints and tendons can occur and you could experience serious health issues.    The pain that comes with gout can cause serious health concerns. Cardiovascular health could be affected, and individuals could experience depression and weight issues. When people have gout, uric acid levels build up in the joints. The pain and stiffness associated with this can cause health problems.    Patients who have gout in their hips, knees,...

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Health Warning: Dangers of Sprains and Strains

Debra Murray

  Everyone has heard the medical axiom that strains and sprains can be worse than breaks. This is true primarily because when the body experiences a bone break the affected area of the body becomes immobile. With strains and sprains, pain is present, but extensive damage can be done because the body is still able to flex, bend and move. Movement of an injured area can result in great internal damage and possible irreversible harm.   Whereas breaks and tears are obvious, sprains and strains are not. Bones and muscles are joined through complex rubbery ligaments and tendons that allow...

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How to Soothe Arthritis Pain at Home

Debra Murray

  Arthritis occurs when a person has an immune system disorder that attacks the joints. However, some people develop it because they were injured or they inherited the condition due to genetics. Arthritis causes inflammation and swelling in the joints that is very painful. Since it is a chronic condition that tends to worsen over time, taking pharmaceutical pain medicine to treat it isn't always possible. Pain medicine is only meant to be used for a short time because it is highly addictive, and this condition lasts for years. Luckily, symptoms of arthritis can be soothed at home using the following...

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Steel and Iron: What To Do After a Workout To Avoid Pain

Debra Murray

Nothing makes people dread exercise more than thinking about how sore they are going to be afterwards, especially if they have ever struggled with muscle or joint pain from an injury. Luckily, this pain can be avoided if the body is cared for properly after strength training or lifting weights. Read on to find out more about some ways to prevent pain after a workout.    Eat Right Away    Because there is so much emphasis on keeping calories down, many people don't realize that they have to eat more often to stay fit, especially before and after exercising. Carbohydrates are used...

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What Are the Best Anti-Aging Remedies?

Debra Murray

What are the Best Anti-Aging Remedies?    Whoever said that people have to grow old gracefully obviously didn't know much about the natural aging process. There are numerous ways to reverse the mental and physical signs of aging. And none of them involve plastic surgery or pharmaceuticals. Read on to find out more about four of the best anti-aging remedies available.    Emu Oil    Pure emu oil comes from the fat of the emu bird when it is being processed. It has remarkable properties that help to smooth scars, lessen the appearance of blemishes, and can help reverse the signs of...

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Breaking Health News on Knee Pain

Debra Murray

  If you experience knee pain it is usually caused by overuse, poor form during exercise and not warming up and/or stretching before physical activity. You can alleviate pain that has just started by doing the following:   Resting and avoiding activities that cause pain Applying ice at least 4 times a day and keeping your knee elevated to bring down swelling Using a safe topical pain reliever. Apply every ten minutes until pain subsides then 3 times daily Using an ace bandage to provide support   You should contact a doctor if you have the following symptoms:   You...

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