Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream 8-oz. jar

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    • Extra heat noticeably relieves pain in minutes and lasts for hours!
    • 2 active ingredients: capsaicin and menthol
    • Soothing cool from menthol, relaxing heat from capsaicin
    • Stimulates circulation and muscle recovery
    • Use alone or combine with Super Blue Stuff OTC or Super White Stuff OTC

    Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream with emu oil is a rich and soothing combination of menthol, capsaicin, arnica, emu oil, aloe vera, and other natural herbs in a thin, spreadable lotion. It helps improve circulation, revitalizes sore, aching legs and feet, and is the ultimate pain reliever. As an added benefit, it reduces swelling and deeply moisturizes skin where it is applied.

    Emu Therapy is bringing our customers capsaicin as an active ingredient in this unique over-the-counter product. In connection with the capsaicin, we have menthol as another active ingredient, giving you two ways to relieve your pain with this one product! This formula helps encourage healthy blood circulation for maximum relief. You will feel the relief as active capsaicin warms and counteracts pain in the muscles and joints. 

    Make no mistake about it - Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is hot! Capsicum comes from the oil of a hot red pepper, the same kind often associated with spicy foods. Just like when you eat a very spicy dish, when capsicum is applied to the skin, it creates a warm sensation that increases with repeated application. Also similar to spicy food, water can wash away some of the sensation, but it can also spread it around and "reactivate" it on your skin. Some people report feeling the capsaicin working again after washing the area hours later, and even the following day!

    The next most noticeable aspect of Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream, and most often noticed first, is its lotion consistency. Most of our pain relief products are creams, with a consistency thick enough to resist gravity when applied to the skin. This product is a much thinner lotion consistency that still clings to itself and your skin when it is applied, but will run down if applied and left alone. Simply spread the lotion around the area where you are applying it and get an even layer on the skin. After that, the product will absorb into the skin and begin relieving your pain within minutes.

    Consider mixing Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream with Super Blue Stuff OTC or Super White Stuff OTC to add some heat to your pain relief. As with other booster products, you can control how much of this product's effects you feel so that it meets your needs exactly. Want a little heat? Just add a dab of Red Hot Pepper to a normal application of Super Blue Stuff or Super White Stuff. Want a lot of heat? Use Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream on its own for pain relief that leaves you feeling warm in the area. Want something in between? Start by using less of the Red Hot Pepper with our other pain relief products, but add more heat little by little until you find the right level.

    Along with a healthy lifestyle, Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is a safe, natural way to stimulate and improve circulation throughout your feet and legs. Ingredients, such as coriander fruit oil, have been historically used to help improve circulation, while ingredients like whole leaf Aloe Vera and Arnica Montana flower extract have been used as natural remedies to help fight inflammation and swelling.

    Simply spread Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream over your skin and wait for relief to set in as the product is absorbed. Many of our customers report that using it before bedtime helps them get a more restful night's sleep, but be mindful that covering the areas with Red Hot Pepper applied may accentuate the heated sensation. Don’t allow pain to interfere with your life; take action and experience the pain relief power of this amazing product from Emu Therapy.


    The astounding effectiveness of Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is due to the unique blend of our 19 natural ingredients.


    Since the ancient Egyptian times, Aloe Vera has been used in herbal medicines all over the world for its beautifying and healing properties.

    In modern times, research has determined that Aloe Vera is a more effective anti-inflammatory than 1% hydrocortisone cream.

    Emu Terapy uses only 100% whole leave Aloe Vera in all of our formulas.


    Emu oil is nature’s miracle oil. Extracted from the emu bird, the oil contains extraordinary medicinal properties that have been used for thousands of years by the Australian Aborigines. 

    A study done on Emu Oil by the Forsyth Institute in Boston, Massachusetts found that emu oil contains anti-inflammatory properties.

    Emus are raised drug free without any steroids, antibiotics or growth hormones. The oil is quick absorbing, making it non-greasy and it does not clog pores (non-comedogenic). It does not contain any irritating substances (Hypo-allergenic) and is almost completely odorless.

    Though the American FDA only approves Emu Oil only as a moisturizer, studies have been done around the world on the therapeutic effects of Emu oil.

    Emu Therapy uses only a “Grade A” certified emu oil that is not over-refined. Over-refining can detract from the nutrients that make the oil work so well.


    Emu Therapy uses menthol that is naturally derived from the peppermint plant and has a slight peppermint smell. When used topically, it is approved by the FDA as a pain reliever when used at certain levels.

    When applied to the skin, menthol produces a cooling sensation by stimulating the body’s cold receptors. Additionally, Menthol can be used as a mild anesthetic to treat skin irritation, sunburn and muscle aches.


    Capsicum frutescens is a member of the nightshade family that is native to Central and South America. Its main ingredient, capsaicin, is the most studied and well-documented part of the plant. Over 20 years ago, the FDA approved capsicum frutescens as a pain reliever that is used in many over-the-counter arthritis and muscle cream formulas today.

    Capsaicin provides a sensation of heat on the skin as it counters the pain in the body.


    Methylsulfonylmethane, also known as MSM, is a naturally occurring sulfur compound found in small amounts in every cell of the body and is necessary for healthy cells. (Please note: this compound is not the same as sulfa, an anti-bacterial agent. People with sulfa related allergies will not experience the same reaction to MSM).

    When used topically, MSM aids in absorption into the skin, it carries along with it water-based ingredients including beneficial herbs. It also helps attract water-based fluids to the affected area, which in turn helps increase lubrication.


    Arnica Montana is native to the mountains of some regions in Europe and grows in nutrient-poor soil. Due to the spread of agriculture, it is becoming rare in the northern mountains. It has a large, yellow blossom that resembles a daisy. It is grown in herb gardens today and has been used as a medicinal plant for thousands of years.

    It is known to have been used by the Romans as early as 180 B.C. to soothe muscle spasms, aches and pains, aching joints, as well as to ease the pain of broken bones.

    Research has found that when Arnica Montana is used in gel at 50% concentration, it can have the same pain relieving effect as a five percent ibuprofen gel for treating the pain of osteoarthritis.


    The word Coriander is derived from the French word “cariandre.” In Spanish, Coriander is also known as cilantro derived from cariadrum. Coriander seeds are said to have been found in the tomb of Ramses II and Tutakhamen. In 1670, the plant was brought by the British colonies into North America. It has been used for muscle and joint pain such as neuralgia and rheumatism.

    Coriander oil contains anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, which help to promote circulation while simultaneously relieving stiffness. Because of its strong antibacterial and restorative properties, Coriander Oil is a frequent component in herbal remedies.


    The bright blue Cornflower plant, also referred to as "Bluebottle”, has historically been used for its amazing medicinal properties. This common North American wildflower promotes good health in numerous ways. Its extract has traditionally been used to help reduce swelling and joint pain, curb anxiety and soothe irritated skin.


    Feverfew is an herb which was original to Europe but is now grown on several continents. Its long history in traditional medicine includes use as a treatment for what is usually controlled by aspirin. It is known and has been historically used as an effective treatment for migraine headaches, inflammations such as arthritis, and for treating insect bites. It is the combination of ingredients in the feverfew plant that brings such effective results.


    German chamomile extract has traditionally been used to treat many disorders, including fibromyalgia and bacterial skin diseases. Additionally, it has been used by patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation to treat and prevent swelling.


    Linden trees are commonly found beautifying city streets with their feature characteristic heart-shaped leaves adorned with charming flowers. But the plant is as useful as it is beautiful, the flowers contain tannins, oils and mucilage, which all have been documented as having healing and soothing abilities for various ailments. The extracts from its flowers and bark are also used in herbal remedies throughout Europe. Its beneficial effects include antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anxiety-reducing properties.


    Marigolds have been grown in the gardens of Europe since the 12th century. By the 14th century, many had learned of its many and varied “magical powers.” During the American Civil War and World War I, marigolds were used to prevent wounds from getting infected. The blooms were made into either a poultice or infused into oils for application to the wounds. Only the flower heads of marigolds are used medicinally. They are well known for their wound healing and antiseptic properties, but modern herbalists have found a wide variety of uses for them, including: an alternative analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, astringent, bactericide, carminative, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, stomachic, styptic, and tonic.


    White nettle has been used for centuries as a vasoconstrictor, effectively reducing excessive blood flow. It can also be helpful to reduce varicose veins. It can be used internally for urinary and bladder problems. There are also applications for female and male reproductive issues.


    The chemicals extracted from Roman chamomile's flower head are known for anti-inflammatory properties and muscle relaxation. Roman chamomile has also been used historically to treat rheumatic disorders. It has been discovered that when it is used in conjunction with other medicinal herbs, Roman chamomile extract can be a powerful aid.


    Beyond its common uses for cooking, the chemical makeup of sunflower oil makes it a wonderful moisturizer. Sunflower oil had been used in what is now the North America thousands of years before Europeans came across it. Its benefits include decreased inflammation, reducing hair loss, and restoring moisture to skin.


    An herb that has been in use as far back as ancient Greece, St. John's Wort is well-established as an herbal medicine. With internal applications to address mental health and even menopause, it has wide-ranging benefits. In a topical application, St. John's Wort is used to help heal wounds as well as bruises and muscle pain.


    The leaf, bark, and even the twigs of the Witch Hazel plant are all used for a variety of medicinal purposes. When applied topically, Witch Hazel has been proven to relieve itching, inflammation, varicose veins, minor burns and bruises. Tannins, (Witch Hazel extract's active chemicals), have been used for hundreds of years to reduce swelling, fight bacteria, and help repair skin damage.


    Willow Bark Extract has been recognized throughout history because of its medicinal properties similar to aspirin. Its use as a reliable pain reliever dates back to the time of Hipprocrates. Those who suffer from muscle pain,  headaches, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and lower back pain and a number of other painful ailments have relied upon Willow Bark Extract for hundreds of years.

    Pain sufferers are once again turning to the natural sources of salicin to avoid the potentially harmful side effects of synthetic aspirin. Emu Therapy uses only natural Willow Bark (Salix Alba).


    A fat-soluble form of Vitamin C (ascorbyl palmitate), Vitamin C ester has numerous benefits for skincare and as a potent antioxidant. When applied topically Vitamin C moisturizes, softens skin and helps promote collagen synthesis.


    Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream - Ingredients


    • Apply thin coats more frequently instead of a large amount at one time.
    • Pressure points – in addition to the area in discomfort, apply to the pressure point below and above the discomfort.
    • If relief is not felt within 5 minutes, re-apply immediately. Re-apply until you feel relief, discomfort is different for each individual.
    • For a joint, such as a knee, ankle, or in the foot - apply all the way around the joint and at least one or two inches above and below the joint.
    • For feet - cover the area evenly with a thin coat plus apply to the ankle to ensure full coverage.
    • For a large area such as the legs - apply in a circular motion traveling just outside the affected area to make sure you have achieved full coverage.

    Tip: Apply before bedtime – many of our customers have reported that applying prior to bedtime delivers a more restful and relaxing night.


    Emu Therapy offers several products that highlight one key ingredient beyond what is included in our primary pain relief cream Super Blue Stuff OTC. We call these our Booster Line of products because they give a boost to the ingredient they feature.

    • Menthol Spray Booster is for our customers who need more menthol. The spray bottle is especially effective at getting hard-to-reach places such as the back. 
    • Arnica Cream Booster is for those who need an herbal boost of Arnica with its specific effects on the body. 
    • Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream provides a strong and long-lasting feeling of heat from the capsaicin active ingredient.

    These products deliver a boost to your pain relief only when and where it is needed. Boosters will give you the ability to uniquely customize relief for your own pain, whether it changes from day to day or based on where on your body you need relief. 

    Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is an over-the-counter drug, so it will give soothing heat pain relief on its own. However, you can use it together with Super Blue Stuff OTC if you find that works best for you. Because Red Hot Pepper is a very different feeling from our other products, new customers may want to try a small amount of Red Hot Pepper with a higher amount of Super Blue Stuff at first and then experiment with the balance of each product that seems to deliver the best results. Recommended steps for combining products are:

    1. Apply a normal amount of Super Blue Stuff OTC.
    2. While the product is still wet on the skin, add approximately 1/8 that amount of the Red Hot Pepper product and spread it out across the same area. (To find what 1/8 of the amount is, estimate how much Super Blue Stuff you used, cut that amount in half, then cut it in half again, and cut it in half a third time.)
    3. Wait 5 minutes to see how you feel.
    4. Repeat the process if more relief is needed, but increase the amount of the booster product to 1/4 of the amount of Super Blue Stuff used.
    5. Repeat again and continue to increase the amount of booster used until you feel the relief you need.
    6. If you ever feel the booster application has been too much, decrease the amount used the next time you apply it. In extreme cases, you may feel the need to get the product off your skin immediately. To remove the product from your skin completely, you should quickly wash with warm soapy water. Some of the product oils may stubbornly remain on the skin. If you experience this and want the product removed, try soaking the body part in warm soapy water until the sensation subsides.

    This trial and error process may take some time to find just the right balance, but once you know what works for you, you can start with those levels the next time you need relief from your pain. 


    Warnings: For external use only. Do not use on wounded, damaged or irritated skin. When using this product, avoid contact with eyes or mucous membranes, do not bandage tightly. Stop use and ask a doctor if you experience a rash and/or a reaction, condition worsens, or if symptoms persist for more than 10 days. If pregnant or Breast-Feeding, ask a health professional before use. Consult a doctor before use on children under 12 years of age if arthritis conditions are present. For all other listed uses, consult a doctor before use on children under 2 years of age. Keep out of reach of children. If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.


    WHAT DOES RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM DO? Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is designed to increase circulation in the body while helping to decrease any inflammation. It also soothes and hydrates the skin leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. HOW DOES RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM WORK? Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is made from a proprietary combination of natural ingredients including emu oil, aloe vera, menthol, arnica, capsicum and coriander. Each have their own, unique ability to provide relief, but together become a soothing lotion that aids in increasing circulation while cooling and hydrating the skin and aiding in reducing inflammation. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM AND SUPER BLUE STUFF OTC?

    Super Blue Stuff OTC is a topical pain relief cream. It can be applied to any external part of the body. Massage it in to the affected area and in just a few minutes, you will start to feel relief from arthritis, muscle aches, joint pain, bruising, sprains and much more.

    Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is a topical pain relief lotion, not as thick as a cream, but is designed to feel hot when applied to the skin as it relieves pain and helps to improve circulation. Massage a generous amount to the desired area. The ingredients in Red Hot Pepper will aid in stimulating circulation to the muscles while aiding in reducing inflammation. It will also soothe and hydrate the skin leaving you feeling refreshed.

    WHEN DO I USE RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM? Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream can be used anytime you are feeling sore, worn out, or stressed. Apply it, then sit back and let the natural ingredients sink in and start to work. Our combination of natural ingredients will help with improving circulation with reducing inflammation. Use it during the day when you feel pain. It’s also great in the evening before bedtime to soothe the aches and pains of the body. DOES RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECTS? Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is made from all natural ingredients. It is safe to use continuously with no negative side effects. However, some people say that the level of capsaicin is too hot for them. If you experience a heat sensation that is uncomfortable for you, immediately wash the area with warm soapy water and rinse, repeat if necessary. The sensation will subside, but you may need to be patient if the product has been on your skin for an extended time before attempting to wash it off. Skin may appear red where Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream has been applied even after washing the product off. WHAT IS IN RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM? Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is a proprietary blend of natural ingredients including aloe vera, emu oil, menthol, MSM, Arnica Montana flower, Capsicum frutescens, Nettle extract, Coriander fruit oil, Marigold extract, Limetree extract, Cornflower extract, St. John's Wort, Witch Hazel and Willow bark. Each ingredient has been used, in some cases for centuries, to provide relief in different ways, including reducing swelling, pain relief, moisturizing and more. When combined in just the right amount, they work together to soothe and calm tired feet and legs, stimulate circulation and reduce swelling from overuse. SHOULD I WASH MY HANDS WHEN USING RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM? It is recommended as follows:
    • Apply Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream to clean, dry skin with clean hands.
    • Avoid touching eyes, mouth and other sensitive skin areas or eating finger foods until your hands have been washed with soap.
    • Wash your hands with warm, soapy water after applying Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream.
    IS RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM SAFE FOR DIABETICS? Yes! Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream works well for diabetics. The emu oil and aloe vera aid in relieving dry, cracked skin. The moisturizing properties in Red Hot Pepper will help to heal the skin and leave it feeling and looking better. The unique, natural ingredients also aid in stimulating circulation and reducing inflammation so legs will feel rejuvenated. IS IT OKAY TO APPLY RED HOT PEPPER OVER CUTS AND SCRAPES IF THERE IS PAIN IN THE SAME AREA? No, do not apply Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream to an area if you notice a rash or have a cut or tear on the skin. Emu Therapy hopes that you find the following information helpful:
    • You should not apply Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream to open sores. It may cause burning and irritation.
    • Rashes can be further irritated by some of the ingredients in Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream.
    • Consult a medical professional for advice on what to do about pain or soreness if the area has an open wound or rash.
    • In the event that Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is accidentally applied to an area with a rash, cut, or sore, flush with cold water immediately. If Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream cannot be safely washed off and you feel discomfort, contact a medical professional immediately.
    SHOULD I BE CONCERNED IF MY RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM WAS EXPOSED TO VERY HOT OR VERY COLD TEMPERATURES DURING DELIVERY? Though long periods of extreme temperatures will eventually degrade the product, the vigorous stability testing we put our products through indicate that a day or weekend in the mail should not make a noticeable difference. A couple of tips:
    • If your product seems to be too thin, it should return to normal after returning to room temperature. Keep in mind that Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is supposed to be a thinner lotion consistency than most of our other pain relief creams.
    • If your product seems mottled or clumpy it may have been exposed to extreme cold, allow it to return to room temperature and shake vigorously. This should allow it to return to normal.
    In both cases, the ingredients effectiveness will not be diminished.
    AFTER I USED RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM, I NOTICED A RASH OR OTHER TYPE OF ALLERGIC REACTION. WHAT SHOULD I DO? While this is a very rare occurrence, if you notice any type of reaction to Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream, cease use immediately and proceed with the following:
    • Contact a medical professional if you are concerned about your reaction.
    • If the reaction poses a serious threat, call an emergency medical number.


    Did we answer all your questions?

    If not, no problem simply call us at 800-289-0589 or email us at and we can help you! 

      • Extra heat noticeably relieves pain in minutes and lasts for hours!
      • 2 active ingredients: capsaicin and menthol
      • Soothing cool from menthol, relaxing heat from capsaicin
      • Stimulates circulation and muscle recovery
      • Use alone or combine with Super Blue Stuff OTC or Super White Stuff OTC

      Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream with emu oil is a rich and soothing combination of menthol, capsaicin, arnica, emu oil, aloe vera, and other natural herbs in a thin, spreadable lotion. It helps improve circulation, revitalizes sore, aching legs and feet, and is the ultimate pain reliever. As an added benefit, it reduces swelling and deeply moisturizes skin where it is applied.

      Emu Therapy is bringing our customers capsaicin as an active ingredient in this unique over-the-counter product. In connection with the capsaicin, we have menthol as another active ingredient, giving you two ways to relieve your pain with this one product! This formula helps encourage healthy blood circulation for maximum relief. You will feel the relief as active capsaicin warms and counteracts pain in the muscles and joints. 

      Make no mistake about it - Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is hot! Capsicum comes from the oil of a hot red pepper, the same kind often associated with spicy foods. Just like when you eat a very spicy dish, when capsicum is applied to the skin, it creates a warm sensation that increases with repeated application. Also similar to spicy food, water can wash away some of the sensation, but it can also spread it around and "reactivate" it on your skin. Some people report feeling the capsaicin working again after washing the area hours later, and even the following day!

      The next most noticeable aspect of Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream, and most often noticed first, is its lotion consistency. Most of our pain relief products are creams, with a consistency thick enough to resist gravity when applied to the skin. This product is a much thinner lotion consistency that still clings to itself and your skin when it is applied, but will run down if applied and left alone. Simply spread the lotion around the area where you are applying it and get an even layer on the skin. After that, the product will absorb into the skin and begin relieving your pain within minutes.

      Consider mixing Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream with Super Blue Stuff OTC or Super White Stuff OTC to add some heat to your pain relief. As with other booster products, you can control how much of this product's effects you feel so that it meets your needs exactly. Want a little heat? Just add a dab of Red Hot Pepper to a normal application of Super Blue Stuff or Super White Stuff. Want a lot of heat? Use Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream on its own for pain relief that leaves you feeling warm in the area. Want something in between? Start by using less of the Red Hot Pepper with our other pain relief products, but add more heat little by little until you find the right level.

      Along with a healthy lifestyle, Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is a safe, natural way to stimulate and improve circulation throughout your feet and legs. Ingredients, such as coriander fruit oil, have been historically used to help improve circulation, while ingredients like whole leaf Aloe Vera and Arnica Montana flower extract have been used as natural remedies to help fight inflammation and swelling.

      Simply spread Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream over your skin and wait for relief to set in as the product is absorbed. Many of our customers report that using it before bedtime helps them get a more restful night's sleep, but be mindful that covering the areas with Red Hot Pepper applied may accentuate the heated sensation. Don’t allow pain to interfere with your life; take action and experience the pain relief power of this amazing product from Emu Therapy.


      The astounding effectiveness of Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is due to the unique blend of our 19 natural ingredients.


      Since the ancient Egyptian times, Aloe Vera has been used in herbal medicines all over the world for its beautifying and healing properties.

      In modern times, research has determined that Aloe Vera is a more effective anti-inflammatory than 1% hydrocortisone cream.

      Emu Terapy uses only 100% whole leave Aloe Vera in all of our formulas.

      EMU OIL

      Emu oil is nature’s miracle oil. Extracted from the emu bird, the oil contains extraordinary medicinal properties that have been used for thousands of years by the Australian Aborigines. 

      A study done on Emu Oil by the Forsyth Institute in Boston, Massachusetts found that emu oil contains anti-inflammatory properties.

      Emus are raised drug free without any steroids, antibiotics or growth hormones. The oil is quick absorbing, making it non-greasy and it does not clog pores (non-comedogenic). It does not contain any irritating substances (Hypo-allergenic) and is almost completely odorless.

      Though the American FDA only approves Emu Oil only as a moisturizer, studies have been done around the world on the therapeutic effects of Emu oil.

      Emu Therapy uses only a “Grade A” certified emu oil that is not over-refined. Over-refining can detract from the nutrients that make the oil work so well.


      Emu Therapy uses menthol that is naturally derived from the peppermint plant and has a slight peppermint smell. When used topically, it is approved by the FDA as a pain reliever when used at certain levels.

      When applied to the skin, menthol produces a cooling sensation by stimulating the body’s cold receptors. Additionally, Menthol can be used as a mild anesthetic to treat skin irritation, sunburn and muscle aches.


      Capsicum frutescens is a member of the nightshade family that is native to Central and South America. Its main ingredient, capsaicin, is the most studied and well-documented part of the plant. Over 20 years ago, the FDA approved capsicum frutescens as a pain reliever that is used in many over-the-counter arthritis and muscle cream formulas today.

      Capsaicin provides a sensation of heat on the skin as it counters the pain in the body.


      Methylsulfonylmethane, also known as MSM, is a naturally occurring sulfur compound found in small amounts in every cell of the body and is necessary for healthy cells. (Please note: this compound is not the same as sulfa, an anti-bacterial agent. People with sulfa related allergies will not experience the same reaction to MSM).

      When used topically, MSM aids in absorption into the skin, it carries along with it water-based ingredients including beneficial herbs. It also helps attract water-based fluids to the affected area, which in turn helps increase lubrication.


      Arnica Montana is native to the mountains of some regions in Europe and grows in nutrient-poor soil. Due to the spread of agriculture, it is becoming rare in the northern mountains. It has a large, yellow blossom that resembles a daisy. It is grown in herb gardens today and has been used as a medicinal plant for thousands of years.

      It is known to have been used by the Romans as early as 180 B.C. to soothe muscle spasms, aches and pains, aching joints, as well as to ease the pain of broken bones.

      Research has found that when Arnica Montana is used in gel at 50% concentration, it can have the same pain relieving effect as a five percent ibuprofen gel for treating the pain of osteoarthritis.


      The word Coriander is derived from the French word “cariandre.” In Spanish, Coriander is also known as cilantro derived from cariadrum. Coriander seeds are said to have been found in the tomb of Ramses II and Tutakhamen. In 1670, the plant was brought by the British colonies into North America. It has been used for muscle and joint pain such as neuralgia and rheumatism.

      Coriander oil contains anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, which help to promote circulation while simultaneously relieving stiffness. Because of its strong antibacterial and restorative properties, Coriander Oil is a frequent component in herbal remedies.


      The bright blue Cornflower plant, also referred to as "Bluebottle”, has historically been used for its amazing medicinal properties. This common North American wildflower promotes good health in numerous ways. Its extract has traditionally been used to help reduce swelling and joint pain, curb anxiety and soothe irritated skin.


      Feverfew is an herb which was original to Europe but is now grown on several continents. Its long history in traditional medicine includes use as a treatment for what is usually controlled by aspirin. It is known and has been historically used as an effective treatment for migraine headaches, inflammations such as arthritis, and for treating insect bites. It is the combination of ingredients in the feverfew plant that brings such effective results.


      German chamomile extract has traditionally been used to treat many disorders, including fibromyalgia and bacterial skin diseases. Additionally, it has been used by patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation to treat and prevent swelling.


      Linden trees are commonly found beautifying city streets with their feature characteristic heart-shaped leaves adorned with charming flowers. But the plant is as useful as it is beautiful, the flowers contain tannins, oils and mucilage, which all have been documented as having healing and soothing abilities for various ailments. The extracts from its flowers and bark are also used in herbal remedies throughout Europe. Its beneficial effects include antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anxiety-reducing properties.


      Marigolds have been grown in the gardens of Europe since the 12th century. By the 14th century, many had learned of its many and varied “magical powers.” During the American Civil War and World War I, marigolds were used to prevent wounds from getting infected. The blooms were made into either a poultice or infused into oils for application to the wounds. Only the flower heads of marigolds are used medicinally. They are well known for their wound healing and antiseptic properties, but modern herbalists have found a wide variety of uses for them, including: an alternative analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, astringent, bactericide, carminative, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, stomachic, styptic, and tonic.


      White nettle has been used for centuries as a vasoconstrictor, effectively reducing excessive blood flow. It can also be helpful to reduce varicose veins. It can be used internally for urinary and bladder problems. There are also applications for female and male reproductive issues.


      The chemicals extracted from Roman chamomile's flower head are known for anti-inflammatory properties and muscle relaxation. Roman chamomile has also been used historically to treat rheumatic disorders. It has been discovered that when it is used in conjunction with other medicinal herbs, Roman chamomile extract can be a powerful aid.


      Beyond its common uses for cooking, the chemical makeup of sunflower oil makes it a wonderful moisturizer. Sunflower oil had been used in what is now the North America thousands of years before Europeans came across it. Its benefits include decreased inflammation, reducing hair loss, and restoring moisture to skin.


      An herb that has been in use as far back as ancient Greece, St. John's Wort is well-established as an herbal medicine. With internal applications to address mental health and even menopause, it has wide-ranging benefits. In a topical application, St. John's Wort is used to help heal wounds as well as bruises and muscle pain.


      The leaf, bark, and even the twigs of the Witch Hazel plant are all used for a variety of medicinal purposes. When applied topically, Witch Hazel has been proven to relieve itching, inflammation, varicose veins, minor burns and bruises. Tannins, (Witch Hazel extract's active chemicals), have been used for hundreds of years to reduce swelling, fight bacteria, and help repair skin damage.


      Willow Bark Extract has been recognized throughout history because of its medicinal properties similar to aspirin. Its use as a reliable pain reliever dates back to the time of Hipprocrates. Those who suffer from muscle pain,  headaches, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and lower back pain and a number of other painful ailments have relied upon Willow Bark Extract for hundreds of years.

      Pain sufferers are once again turning to the natural sources of salicin to avoid the potentially harmful side effects of synthetic aspirin. Emu Therapy uses only natural Willow Bark (Salix Alba).


      A fat-soluble form of Vitamin C (ascorbyl palmitate), Vitamin C ester has numerous benefits for skincare and as a potent antioxidant. When applied topically Vitamin C moisturizes, softens skin and helps promote collagen synthesis.


      Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream - Ingredients


      • Apply thin coats more frequently instead of a large amount at one time.
      • Pressure points – in addition to the area in discomfort, apply to the pressure point below and above the discomfort.
      • If relief is not felt within 5 minutes, re-apply immediately. Re-apply until you feel relief, discomfort is different for each individual.
      • For a joint, such as a knee, ankle, or in the foot - apply all the way around the joint and at least one or two inches above and below the joint.
      • For feet - cover the area evenly with a thin coat plus apply to the ankle to ensure full coverage.
      • For a large area such as the legs - apply in a circular motion traveling just outside the affected area to make sure you have achieved full coverage.

      Tip: Apply before bedtime – many of our customers have reported that applying prior to bedtime delivers a more restful and relaxing night.


      Emu Therapy offers several products that highlight one key ingredient beyond what is included in our primary pain relief cream Super Blue Stuff OTC. We call these our Booster Line of products because they give a boost to the ingredient they feature.

      • Menthol Spray Booster is for our customers who need more menthol. The spray bottle is especially effective at getting hard-to-reach places such as the back. 
      • Arnica Cream Booster is for those who need an herbal boost of Arnica with its specific effects on the body. 
      • Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream provides a strong and long-lasting feeling of heat from the capsaicin active ingredient.

      These products deliver a boost to your pain relief only when and where it is needed. Boosters will give you the ability to uniquely customize relief for your own pain, whether it changes from day to day or based on where on your body you need relief. 

      Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is an over-the-counter drug, so it will give soothing heat pain relief on its own. However, you can use it together with Super Blue Stuff OTC if you find that works best for you. Because Red Hot Pepper is a very different feeling from our other products, new customers may want to try a small amount of Red Hot Pepper with a higher amount of Super Blue Stuff at first and then experiment with the balance of each product that seems to deliver the best results. Recommended steps for combining products are:

      1. Apply a normal amount of Super Blue Stuff OTC.
      2. While the product is still wet on the skin, add approximately 1/8 that amount of the Red Hot Pepper product and spread it out across the same area. (To find what 1/8 of the amount is, estimate how much Super Blue Stuff you used, cut that amount in half, then cut it in half again, and cut it in half a third time.)
      3. Wait 5 minutes to see how you feel.
      4. Repeat the process if more relief is needed, but increase the amount of the booster product to 1/4 of the amount of Super Blue Stuff used.
      5. Repeat again and continue to increase the amount of booster used until you feel the relief you need.
      6. If you ever feel the booster application has been too much, decrease the amount used the next time you apply it. In extreme cases, you may feel the need to get the product off your skin immediately. To remove the product from your skin completely, you should quickly wash with warm soapy water. Some of the product oils may stubbornly remain on the skin. If you experience this and want the product removed, try soaking the body part in warm soapy water until the sensation subsides.

      This trial and error process may take some time to find just the right balance, but once you know what works for you, you can start with those levels the next time you need relief from your pain. 


      Warnings: For external use only. Do not use on wounded, damaged or irritated skin. When using this product, avoid contact with eyes or mucous membranes, do not bandage tightly. Stop use and ask a doctor if you experience a rash and/or a reaction, condition worsens, or if symptoms persist for more than 10 days. If pregnant or Breast-Feeding, ask a health professional before use. Consult a doctor before use on children under 12 years of age if arthritis conditions are present. For all other listed uses, consult a doctor before use on children under 2 years of age. Keep out of reach of children. If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.


      WHAT DOES RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM DO? Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is designed to increase circulation in the body while helping to decrease any inflammation. It also soothes and hydrates the skin leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. HOW DOES RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM WORK? Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is made from a proprietary combination of natural ingredients including emu oil, aloe vera, menthol, arnica, capsicum and coriander. Each have their own, unique ability to provide relief, but together become a soothing lotion that aids in increasing circulation while cooling and hydrating the skin and aiding in reducing inflammation. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM AND SUPER BLUE STUFF OTC?

      Super Blue Stuff OTC is a topical pain relief cream. It can be applied to any external part of the body. Massage it in to the affected area and in just a few minutes, you will start to feel relief from arthritis, muscle aches, joint pain, bruising, sprains and much more.

      Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is a topical pain relief lotion, not as thick as a cream, but is designed to feel hot when applied to the skin as it relieves pain and helps to improve circulation. Massage a generous amount to the desired area. The ingredients in Red Hot Pepper will aid in stimulating circulation to the muscles while aiding in reducing inflammation. It will also soothe and hydrate the skin leaving you feeling refreshed.

      WHEN DO I USE RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM? Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream can be used anytime you are feeling sore, worn out, or stressed. Apply it, then sit back and let the natural ingredients sink in and start to work. Our combination of natural ingredients will help with improving circulation with reducing inflammation. Use it during the day when you feel pain. It’s also great in the evening before bedtime to soothe the aches and pains of the body. DOES RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECTS? Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is made from all natural ingredients. It is safe to use continuously with no negative side effects. However, some people say that the level of capsaicin is too hot for them. If you experience a heat sensation that is uncomfortable for you, immediately wash the area with warm soapy water and rinse, repeat if necessary. The sensation will subside, but you may need to be patient if the product has been on your skin for an extended time before attempting to wash it off. Skin may appear red where Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream has been applied even after washing the product off. WHAT IS IN RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM? Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is a proprietary blend of natural ingredients including aloe vera, emu oil, menthol, MSM, Arnica Montana flower, Capsicum frutescens, Nettle extract, Coriander fruit oil, Marigold extract, Limetree extract, Cornflower extract, St. John's Wort, Witch Hazel and Willow bark. Each ingredient has been used, in some cases for centuries, to provide relief in different ways, including reducing swelling, pain relief, moisturizing and more. When combined in just the right amount, they work together to soothe and calm tired feet and legs, stimulate circulation and reduce swelling from overuse. SHOULD I WASH MY HANDS WHEN USING RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM? It is recommended as follows:
      • Apply Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream to clean, dry skin with clean hands.
      • Avoid touching eyes, mouth and other sensitive skin areas or eating finger foods until your hands have been washed with soap.
      • Wash your hands with warm, soapy water after applying Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream.
      IS RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM SAFE FOR DIABETICS? Yes! Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream works well for diabetics. The emu oil and aloe vera aid in relieving dry, cracked skin. The moisturizing properties in Red Hot Pepper will help to heal the skin and leave it feeling and looking better. The unique, natural ingredients also aid in stimulating circulation and reducing inflammation so legs will feel rejuvenated. IS IT OKAY TO APPLY RED HOT PEPPER OVER CUTS AND SCRAPES IF THERE IS PAIN IN THE SAME AREA? No, do not apply Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream to an area if you notice a rash or have a cut or tear on the skin. Emu Therapy hopes that you find the following information helpful:
      • You should not apply Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream to open sores. It may cause burning and irritation.
      • Rashes can be further irritated by some of the ingredients in Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream.
      • Consult a medical professional for advice on what to do about pain or soreness if the area has an open wound or rash.
      • In the event that Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is accidentally applied to an area with a rash, cut, or sore, flush with cold water immediately. If Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream cannot be safely washed off and you feel discomfort, contact a medical professional immediately.
      SHOULD I BE CONCERNED IF MY RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM WAS EXPOSED TO VERY HOT OR VERY COLD TEMPERATURES DURING DELIVERY? Though long periods of extreme temperatures will eventually degrade the product, the vigorous stability testing we put our products through indicate that a day or weekend in the mail should not make a noticeable difference. A couple of tips:
      • If your product seems to be too thin, it should return to normal after returning to room temperature. Keep in mind that Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream is supposed to be a thinner lotion consistency than most of our other pain relief creams.
      • If your product seems mottled or clumpy it may have been exposed to extreme cold, allow it to return to room temperature and shake vigorously. This should allow it to return to normal.
      In both cases, the ingredients effectiveness will not be diminished.
      AFTER I USED RED HOT PEPPER PAIN RELIEF CREAM, I NOTICED A RASH OR OTHER TYPE OF ALLERGIC REACTION. WHAT SHOULD I DO? While this is a very rare occurrence, if you notice any type of reaction to Red Hot Pepper Pain Relief Cream, cease use immediately and proceed with the following:
      • Contact a medical professional if you are concerned about your reaction.
      • If the reaction poses a serious threat, call an emergency medical number.


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      If not, no problem simply call us at 800-289-0589 or email us at and we can help you!