The Wellness Blog


Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Six Common Foods that Contribute to Inflammation

Debra Murray

  Many of the foods common to American diets today are now known to contribute to a chain of events known as the Inflammation Cascade. Experts say that reducing or completely eliminating these foods from your diet can significantly reduce pain and inflammation in muscles and joints.      1. Cereals and Grains    Archeologists have found evidence that soon after farming and consuming larger amounts of these foods that signs of health problems and afflictions began to emerge and become more prevalent in human society.     Cereals and grains, mostly in the form of breads and pastas, make up a large part of today’s average American diet. What most people don’t realize is that...

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How to Soothe Arthritis Pain at Home

Debra Murray

  Arthritis occurs when a person has an immune system disorder that attacks the joints. However, some people develop it because they were injured or they inherited the condition due to genetics. Arthritis causes inflammation and swelling in the joints that is very painful. Since it is a chronic condition that tends to worsen over time, taking pharmaceutical pain medicine to treat it isn't always possible. Pain medicine is only meant to be used for a short time because it is highly addictive, and this condition lasts for years. Luckily, symptoms of arthritis can be soothed at home using the following...

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What Are the Best Anti-Aging Remedies?

Debra Murray

What are the Best Anti-Aging Remedies?    Whoever said that people have to grow old gracefully obviously didn't know much about the natural aging process. There are numerous ways to reverse the mental and physical signs of aging. And none of them involve plastic surgery or pharmaceuticals. Read on to find out more about four of the best anti-aging remedies available.    Emu Oil    Pure emu oil comes from the fat of the emu bird when it is being processed. It has remarkable properties that help to smooth scars, lessen the appearance of blemishes, and can help reverse the signs of...

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What Happens to Your Body When You are Sleep Deprived

Debra Murray

It is easy to stay up way past bedtime when you have a lot on your plate, but cutting back on getting a good night's rest each night is detrimental to your health. Read on to find out more about what happens to your body when you become sleep deprived. Higher Risk for Heart Disease  When a person gets far less than eight hours of sleep at night, it has an impact on their heart and arteries, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate that lasts well into the next day. If the sleep deprivation goes on for too...

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Health Warning: Dangers of Arthritis 

Debra Murray

There are several types of arthritis. All of them can cause uncomfortable stiffness and sometimes unbearable pain and can eventually lead to disability.    Osteoarthritis is a condition where a joint such as the fingers, hands, neck, back, hip or knee swells and/or causes pain. This can come about due to aging joints or if the joint has been diseased or injured. Other types of arthritis come about when the immune system attacks the body or when an infection attacks a joint. These types of arthritis can lead to complications that may cause some symptoms to be dangerous.    Even...

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