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Health Warning: Lack of Movement Can Increase Pain

Debra Murray

  Arthritis sufferers struggle with a very special set of health challenges. As they grow older, they are concerned about a healthy cardiopulmonary system and know that a consistent program of exercise can help to prevent the onset of problems in this area. They also struggle with the fact that arthritis has rendered their bones and joints to be extremely painful, which tends to discourage these sufferers from exercising out of fear that they may be doing further damage to inflamed bones and joints.   As logical as this reasoning may sound, it is actually untrue. In fact, the reverse...

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Breaking Health News on Psoriatic Arthritis

Debra Murray

  What is Psoriatic Arthritis?  Individuals with skin psoriasis often also develop psoriatic arthritis that affects the nails, tendons and joints. Medical researchers have determined that a particular inherited skin tissue type is usually responsible for the condition. Patients often have inflammation in the bones of the vertebral column such as various forms of arthritis.    Additional symptoms of psoriatic arthritis include pain in the ligaments, tendons, joints and muscles of the feet. Plantar fasciitis creates pain on the sole of the foot throughout the connective tissue. Most patients have tears in the tissue of the feet that develop over many years...

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Simple Health Tips for Arthritis

Debra Murray

  If you suffer with osteoarthritis you are forced to live with stiff, painful, swollen joints every day. This form of arthritis often affects the hips, knees and hands. Natural topical pain relief medications can be lifesavers as they help manage inflammation and pain. When these medications are combined with healthy lifestyle choices, it can make living with arthritis more bearable.   Get Active Regular exercise can help your joints stay flexible, increase mobility and reduce pain. Swimming, water aerobics, stationary biking, Pilates and yoga are ideal choices for arthritis sufferers as they are low impact and they don't put...

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Health Warning: Dangers of Sprains and Strains

Debra Murray

  Everyone has heard the medical axiom that strains and sprains can be worse than breaks. This is true primarily because when the body experiences a bone break the affected area of the body becomes immobile. With strains and sprains, pain is present, but extensive damage can be done because the body is still able to flex, bend and move. Movement of an injured area can result in great internal damage and possible irreversible harm.   Whereas breaks and tears are obvious, sprains and strains are not. Bones and muscles are joined through complex rubbery ligaments and tendons that allow...

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How to Soothe Arthritis Pain at Home

Debra Murray

  Arthritis occurs when a person has an immune system disorder that attacks the joints. However, some people develop it because they were injured or they inherited the condition due to genetics. Arthritis causes inflammation and swelling in the joints that is very painful. Since it is a chronic condition that tends to worsen over time, taking pharmaceutical pain medicine to treat it isn't always possible. Pain medicine is only meant to be used for a short time because it is highly addictive, and this condition lasts for years. Luckily, symptoms of arthritis can be soothed at home using the following...

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HealthStyle: Athlete – How YOU can live an Athletic Life

Katie Hightower

Did you know that you don’t have to live your life one buzzer beater at a time to live an athletic lifestyle? Being an athlete is simply the act of choosing to live an active, healthy life.   Characteristics of an athlete: Proper Nutrition Dedication to Practice Achieving Enough Rest Nurturing the Body   If you fulfill these characteristics, then you are already embracing the HealthStyle of an athlete!   Nutrition For athletes of any age, one of the most important focus factors is maintaining balanced and healthy nutrition. If you are involved in an endurance activity like cross-country skiing...

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The Most Common Causes of Joint Pain

Debra Murray

  The joints act as connectors to all the bones of the body. Their job is to allow a person to move easily. Joints get a lot of use as a person ages, so they have to be tough, but they aren't impermeable to disease or injury. The most common sign that there is something wrong with one of the joints is pain. It can be caused by many medical conditions, but the following are some of the most common ones that occur:    Rheumatoid Arthritis  This severe type of arthritis is an autoimmune disease that is extremely painful. The...

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How to Know the Difference Between Muscle Pain and Joint Pain

Debra Murray

Joint and muscle pain are both so common that people often get them confused. They are actually two different medical conditions. Doctors refer to muscle pain as “myalgia” and joint pain is called “arthralgia.” Each one has to be cared for in a specific way, so it is important to understand the different symptoms between them.    How to Tell if it is Muscle Pain  Muscle pain is caused by different injuries than joint pain is. Usually, a person gets it when they overexert themselves, or they develop inflammation because of an illness. Tension and stress can contribute to it...

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Dangers of Inflammation

Debra Murray

  Inflammation is a biological process that's meant to heal the body from infections, bacteria, injuries, tissue damage and other forms of trauma. The affected area swells and becomes inflamed in an attempt to create an environment that is beneficial to healing and repairing.   So when does inflammation become dangerous? As long as inflammation is in the healing or acute phase, it benefits the body. Once this condition crosses from acute to chronic, it can be your worst nightmare. Instead of healing the injured area, this once helpful biological response spreads through your whole body and sets up shop.   When...

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Simple Health Tips for Knee Pain

Debra Murray

Arthritis is a family of incurable musculoskeletal disorders. There are more than 100 different arthritis conditions that destroy joints, bones, muscles, cartilage and connective tissues. These conditions cause pain and hinder physical movement.   The disease affects approximately 50 million adults and 300,000 children and it is actually the nation’s leading cause of disability. When you experience knee pain due to an injury damaged nerves in that area dispense chemical signals. Other nerves then send the signals to your brain which recognizes them as pain. Knee arthritis pain is caused by the following factors:   Inflammation in the joints. Damage to joint tissues caused...

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Dangers of Lower Back Pain

Debra Murray

  With all of the wear and tear the spine endures, it’s no wonder most people will experience some form of back pain in their lives. Anyone who has ever suffered with an achy back knows it’s no joke. Lower back pain goes far beyond physical symptoms. If it’s serious and persistent, it interferes with every aspect of your life and can damage your emotional health.   The spine and back muscles have the big job of stabilizing the body. Over time, this can cause overuse of the muscles, joints and ligaments. Sometimes, relentless pressure on the lower back can result...

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