Things You are Probably Doing Wrong in Your Workout
Debra MurrayIt is usually those who are just starting out with an exercise regimen that need the most guidance. However, even the fittest exercise enthusiast can use a few pointers to perfect their routine. Because of this, we came up with a list of some helpful hints to follow on how to correct some of the most common workout mistakes.
1. Too Much of the Same Old Cardio Routine
The body responds best to exercise when it doesn't know what to expect. Sticking with the same form of cardio each time that you work out may seem comfortable and familiar, but it isn't going to give you the resistance that you need. If possible, it should be switched up each time. Perhaps one day a week is used for speed walking around the track and three other days are spent kickboxing or dancing. Then, switch this routine up the next week so that the walking is replaced with jogging or biking.
2. Skipping Strength Training
Sometimes, people involved in an active adult life stick with cardio exercises because they think that weightlifting is only for bodybuilders. This simply isn't true! It helps increase lean muscle mass, which is important for fat burning. Bone density is also improved with weight-bearing exercises. A good way to start out is with a small pair of hand weights that are just one or two pounds each. Then, increase the amount of weight over time. Gravity can also be used as a form of resistance to work against though. Planks and push-ups are two strength training exercises that can give a person the same effect without weights.
3. Training Too Much
Working out seven days a week for hours at a time isn't necessary. It can actually be counterproductive and increase the risk of an injury of the joints and muscles. The body needs time to heal in between workouts because too much inflammation will develop. This is especially dangerous for those who have previously sustained injuries. Shorter, more intense workouts are more effective because they increase fat burning and muscle mass faster.
4. Setting Unrealistic Goals
Smaller goals are more motivating and easier to accomplish. Too big of a goal causes stress when it can't be achieved. The trick is to find a balance when it comes to goal setting. Create steps to work towards your goals and check them off to show your progress. For example, if a person is finding that they can't walk very far at first, they might try setting a small goal of walking for ten minutes. Once that is accomplished, they can increase the next goal by five more minutes.
Those who need further advice on perfecting their workout routine may want to consult a personal trainer. Personal trainers can show people how to do exercises for their unique level of physical fitness and ways to work towards goals. And remember, exercise is an important part of staying healthy, but it has to be done safely. Never push the body to the point where it causes pain.
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