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Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

What is Emu Oil?

Debra Murray

  For thousands of years Australian Aborigines have used one natural ingredient that would require an entire medicine chest today. This ingredient is Emu Oil.   The oil comes from the Emu bird. The bird is a hardy native of Australia that roamed the outback nearly 80 million years ago and still exists today.   Nationally acclaimed researcher, Dr. Barry Sears said, "Emu Oil is an untapped resource and currently now is where aspirin was in the early 1900's."   Emu oil is an amazing and versatile product.  It can be used internally and externally, it can be used anywhere...

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What is Foot and Leg Comfort?

Debra Murray

Foot and Leg Comfort Cream by BLUESPRING is a blend of natural ingredients trusted to soothe tired muscles, ease swelling, and help your body improve circulation. The cooling effect of this cream is so relaxing it will become the best part of your day. If you suffer from any type of discomfort, swelling, irritation or fatigue in your feet or legs, you will appreciate the rejuvenating and soothing qualities of Foot and Leg Comfort.   Since this cream is made with natural ingredients, it is safe for diabetics. If your foot and leg discomfort is hampering your daily life or even your sleep, this cream could safely help soothe and relax...

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Reducing Inflammation to Relieve Pain

Debra Murray

Why is Reducing Inflammation So Important?    Your body wants to be healthy. It is always seeking equilibrium. When something is out of balance, the body compensates, sometimes painfully so, as any chiropractor can explain if you have strained a muscle, or simply sat in a position such as at a desk, or repeated movements such as typing or driving over a long period of time.    Every day we hear about sickness and pain. But how do we acquire health and participate in our own wellness? Simply put: reducing inflammation helps reduce pain in joints, muscles, skin, and organs. When an ankle sprain, for example, causes...

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Are You Suffering From Dry Itchy Skin?

Debra Murray

  In the U.S., over 100 million people suffer from dry skin    We’ve all had our moments of dealing with dry hands, elbows, feet, etc. Often we view dry skin as just a minor nuisance and ignore it. But for many people, dry skin can be more than just an uncomfortable irritant.     Dry skin can feel tight or painful. It can take on a dull red or flaky look and be compounded by itchiness. Sometimes dry itchy skin keeps people awake at night. In the U.S., over 100 million people suffer from dry skin and for some it is much more than...

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Six Causes of Dry Skin

Debra Murray

  With care, you can beat dry skin     Causes and Appearance  What leads to dry skin doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be brought on by using harsh soaps, long, hot showers or even the wrong type of clothing. But medications can also lead to dry skin. It’s important to figure out what’s causing your dry skin in order to treat it.      Dry skin can appear anywhere—most often found on the arms, hands, lower legs, and abdomen and quite often you just feel it instead of see it. It can make the skin look gray on people...

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Vegetables and Nutrition That Help Reduce Pain

Debra Murray

  How to reduce inflammation with natural anti-inflammatory food    Perhaps you have heard your mother or grandmother tell you to eat more vegetables. Why? Dark green vegetables, especially, contain vitamins and minerals that are as important to adults as much as to growing children. Athletes, for example, are expounding the virtues of eating more green and leafy vegetables as well as beans and legumes as much for the nutrients as for filling up on low-calorie food that helps keep excess weight off and nourish the body.    A few years ago, a group of nutritionists and scientists visited a village in a remote part of China where people reportedly...

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Carbohydrates and Fiber for Natural Pain Relief

Debra Murray

  Connecting the dots between eating healthy and treatment of pain  If we truly are what we eat in the United States, many people would be garbage cans. Every year people spend about $260 billion on food, over half of which is processed food—convenience foods, junk food, or snacks.     Americans eat over 40% of our meals away from home, and spend $105 billion on drive-thru fast food annually. Is it any wonder that the US ranks in the top ten for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease globally, or that we spend more money annually on healthcare for completely preventable conditions than any other nation in the world?    If you just...

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Can Eating More Protein Foods Reduce Pain?

Debra Murray

  Consider the fact that the human body needs protein to build muscle and repair cells. Bodybuilders and weightlifters have long known that to build super-sized muscles and above-average strength they need to consume much more protein than athletes who required less cell-rebuilding such as distance runners who rely more on complex carbohydrates and starches in their diets.    One of the ways to relieve pain from injury and to reduce inflammation and provide relief for joint pain is to nourish the body with what it needs. Consuming a diet for arthritis may be a matter of avoiding foods that are inflammatory to joints and organs such as high fructose corn syrup...

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Six Common Foods that Contribute to Inflammation

Debra Murray

  Many of the foods common to American diets today are now known to contribute to a chain of events known as the Inflammation Cascade. Experts say that reducing or completely eliminating these foods from your diet can significantly reduce pain and inflammation in muscles and joints.      1. Cereals and Grains    Archeologists have found evidence that soon after farming and consuming larger amounts of these foods that signs of health problems and afflictions began to emerge and become more prevalent in human society.     Cereals and grains, mostly in the form of breads and pastas, make up a large part of today’s average American diet. What most people don’t realize is that...

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Apples and Pain Relief

Debra Murray

  An apple a day—natural pain remedies  Everyone knows the old expression, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but did you know that you can “Eat an apple a day to chase arthritis away”? Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries in traditional medicine as a natural remedy for many ailments. Home remedies such as a towel soaked in hot water and apple cider vinegar, then wrapped around the painful joint, was a common hot compress used to relieve pain and swelling. Apple cider vinegar and honey stirred into a glass of warm water and drunk once a day will help relieve...

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Breaking Health News on Sciatica Pain

Debra Murray

  Many people suffer from back pain, including sciatica. Back pain causes more than 3 million people to seek emergency treatment every year in the United States. Sciatica is one of the most commonly experienced back problems. About 40 percent of all people will experience it at some point in their lives. Sciatica pain refers to irritation somewhere along the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down each leg.    Sciatica pain usually only affects one side of the body when it occurs. Some people describe it as a sharp, burning pain while others...

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Simple Health Tips for Spondyloarthritis – Inflammatory Arthritis

Debra Murray

  Spondyloarthritis is an inflammatory type of rheumatic arthritis that affects the joints in the spine. This condition can also affect the legs, soft tissues, eyes, and many internal organs. Although medications can be prescribed to block the inflammatory activity of certain proteins that increase inflammatory response, there are some over-the-counter and home remedies you can use to reduce pain and improve movement at home.    NSAIDs  The first line of defense to reduce pain and inflammation of spondyloarthritis is to take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs are available over the counter in products such as ibuprofen or naproxen. However, these NSAIDS often have negative side...

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Dangers of Achilles Tendonitis

Debra Murray

  Achilles tendonitis is an injury resulting from overuse of the Achilles tendon, the band of muscle that runs from the bottom of the calf to the heel. It is common in runners who dramatically increase their speed in a short period of time, and in middle-aged individuals who remain active only once or twice per week. Achilles tendonitis is caused by repeated strain placed on the Achilles tendon. This is one of the most-used tendons in your body, involved in running, walking, and raising up onto the balls of your feet.    Warning Signs The first signs of Achilles tendonitis usually involve prolonged...

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Breaking Health News: Holidays and Increased Pain

Debra Murray

  The holiday season is fast approaching, and for many people, that means increased pain. This pain can take a number of forms including arthritis, gout, inflammation, headaches and muscle soreness. Unfortunately, many people don't understand why they experience such flare-ups during this time of year. Here are some of the most prevalent causes.    Overeating   Overeating is one of the worst things you can do to yourself, but it's very common around the holidays. With so much delicious food at the ready, who could possibly resist? That said, eating excessively places too much demand on your body and can...

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Simple Health Tips for Sciatica Sufferers

Debra Murray

    The sciatic nerve is the longest, as well as the widest, nerve in the body. When it becomes inflamed, as often happens even in active men and women over the age of 50, it can cause tremendous pain radiating from the lower back all the way down one side of the leg. Anyone who experiences chronic pain in either the right or left buttock, a shooting pain down one leg that makes even sitting down or standing up painful, or a burning and tingling sensation that radiates from the top of the hip all the way down to...

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Manage Your Pain during the Holiday Season

Debra Murray

    Most of us are aware that stress is a big contributor to chronic pain, and many people live with constant discomfort on a daily basis. Stress and pain can be elevated during the holiday season due to various factors. Juggling demands, shopping in crowded locations, accommodating relatives and attending parties can all result in anxiety that aggravates a persistent condition.    Tension   A contributing factor to holiday stress and pain is tension. This may include tension in the back, neck, shoulders or legs. While some people may only suffer with slight discomfort or headache, others experience severe body aches and...

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Simple Health Tips for Pain Free Holiday Season

Debra Murray

    During the holidays, it is common for painful health conditions to flare-up in response to increased activity or stress. This is especially true for those who suffer from chronic conditions, such as arthritis, or who sustain an injury while hanging up holiday decorations. Fortunately, there are many things that can be done to reduce strain on a person’s muscles and joints during the preparations for holiday festivities. Here are several simple tips for enjoying a pain-free holiday season without taking away from the fun.    Avoid Repetitive Movements  Chopping vegetables for holiday dinners, wrapping gifts and handwriting cards...

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Health Warning: Dangers of Psoriatic Arthritis

Debra Murray

  Psoriatic arthritis (PA) is a form of arthritis that occurs with the chronic skin condition psoriasis. Symptoms may vary in individuals, and may affect any joint. PA generally affects the skin first, but the symptoms of arthritis may develop before the red and silver scaly patches that generally characterize psoriasis.     What Is Psoriatic Arthritis?    Psoriasis is caused when the body starts attacking its own cells, in this case skin cells. In about 30 percent of all cases of psoriasis, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation, the body's immune system does not stop with attacking skin cells, but...

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Simple Health Tips for Osteoarthritis Sufferers

Debra Murray

  As we age, we often start to feel twinges of pain in our joints, most likely in the hips and knees. Most of the time, this pain is caused by osteoarthritis. When the stiffness and pain start to affect your everyday living, it may be time to do something about it. Following are several tips to help ease the pain of osteoarthritis.    Keep Your Weight in Check  If you are overweight, you are putting extra stress and strain on your knees with every step you take. One of the easiest ways to help relieve osteoarthritis pain in your...

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Health Warning: Dangers of Adhesive Capsulitis or Frozen Shoulder

Debra Murray

  An Incredibly Painful Condition    If you are feeling intense pain in the shoulder joint and muscles, you may have adhesive capsulitis. Most people refer to this medical condition as frozen shoulder because it is extremely difficult to move an arm. The condition is incredibly painful to deal with because it makes performing everyday tasks nearly impossible. Individuals are often unable to move the shoulder enough to dress themselves, prepare meals or drive an automobile. The discomfort in the frozen shoulder increases at night and in colder temperatures making it difficult for individuals to sleep. Occasionally, the muscles, ligaments and tendons...

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