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Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Avoid Joint Pain Without Negative Side Effects

Debra Murray

While you may be unsure of how to guard against joint pain without experiencing any side effects, there are a few things that can be done to win the battle. By following some tips and guidelines, you can help your body avoid aching joints and remain active for most of the rest of your life. With a healthy body, you can continue to participate in your favorite activities without worrying about discomfort.   Exercise Most individuals can maintain flexibility by choosing a series of exercises that will not be overly hard on your joints. Stretching, for example, can actually increase...

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Simple Health Tips for Painful Fingers & Hands

Debra Murray

  Importance of Fingers and Hands Individuals with pain in their hands or fingers must find relief. Our hands are vital for daily functioning. As an individual becomes older health conditions such as arthritis, carpel tunnel syndrome and fibromyalgia can make using fingers difficult.   Joints, muscles and tendons become sensitive and tender. There are various methods to reduce the discomfort of moving your fingers and hands. Most individuals use several ways to maintain health of their hands and fingers.   Massaging Methods A relaxing hand massage can help fingers and hands feel better. Various massaging techniques are available at...

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Health Warning: Lack of Movement Can Increase Pain

Debra Murray

  Arthritis sufferers struggle with a very special set of health challenges. As they grow older, they are concerned about a healthy cardiopulmonary system and know that a consistent program of exercise can help to prevent the onset of problems in this area. They also struggle with the fact that arthritis has rendered their bones and joints to be extremely painful, which tends to discourage these sufferers from exercising out of fear that they may be doing further damage to inflamed bones and joints.   As logical as this reasoning may sound, it is actually untrue. In fact, the reverse...

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What is Arnica Cream Booster?

Debra Murray

  Arnica Cream Booster is a high quality herbal remedy created by BLUESPRING for a safe and effective boost to your pain management. The combination of natural ingredients is carefully formulated to provide relief from bruising, edema and insect bites.   What makes Arnica Cream Booster powerful is its dual nature. It is customizable for individual use and is made to boost and complement two of BLUESPRING’s most highly regarded pain relief products, Super Blue Stuff OTC and Super White Stuff OTC.   Just as an immunization can be improved by adding a booster shot, Arnica Cream Booster can bolster...

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Simple Health Tips for Spondyloarthritis – Inflammatory Arthritis

Debra Murray

  Spondyloarthritis is an inflammatory type of rheumatic arthritis that affects the joints in the spine. This condition can also affect the legs, soft tissues, eyes, and many internal organs. Although medications can be prescribed to block the inflammatory activity of certain proteins that increase inflammatory response, there are some over-the-counter and home remedies you can use to reduce pain and improve movement at home.    NSAIDs  The first line of defense to reduce pain and inflammation of spondyloarthritis is to take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs are available over the counter in products such as ibuprofen or naproxen. However, these NSAIDS often have negative side...

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Simple Health Tips for Pain Free Holiday Season

Debra Murray

    During the holidays, it is common for painful health conditions to flare-up in response to increased activity or stress. This is especially true for those who suffer from chronic conditions, such as arthritis, or who sustain an injury while hanging up holiday decorations. Fortunately, there are many things that can be done to reduce strain on a person’s muscles and joints during the preparations for holiday festivities. Here are several simple tips for enjoying a pain-free holiday season without taking away from the fun.    Avoid Repetitive Movements  Chopping vegetables for holiday dinners, wrapping gifts and handwriting cards...

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Simple Health Tips for Osteoarthritis Sufferers

Debra Murray

  As we age, we often start to feel twinges of pain in our joints, most likely in the hips and knees. Most of the time, this pain is caused by osteoarthritis. When the stiffness and pain start to affect your everyday living, it may be time to do something about it. Following are several tips to help ease the pain of osteoarthritis.    Keep Your Weight in Check  If you are overweight, you are putting extra stress and strain on your knees with every step you take. One of the easiest ways to help relieve osteoarthritis pain in your...

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Breaking Health News: Movement Can Help Relieve Arthritis Pain

Debra Murray

  Individuals experiencing symptoms of arthritis may avoid moving painful joints. However, remaining still can actually make arthritic joints stiffen. As individuals walk or move, the joints develop flexibility and strength. Finding ways to exercise in a safe manner is imperative to help individuals with arthritis feel better.    People who engage in gentle forms of movement such as simple yoga poses, water aerobics or walking also maintain appropriate body weight. Excess weight while walking places an enormous amount of pressure on the hips, knees and ankle joints. Continual intense pressure on joint tissue leads to cartilage breaking down causing...

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Breaking Health News About Achilles Tendinitis

Debra Murray

  Achilles tendinitis is an injury resulting from overusing the tendon, which is the band of tissue connecting the calf muscles running along the back part of the lower leg to that of the heel bone. It commonly occurs in those who are runners that have suddenly increased the duration or intensity of their runs. It’s also increased in those who are middle-aged individuals who play in sports, such as basketball or tennis.    Most cases of Achilles tendinitis are easily treated with simple, at-home care. Self-care strategies are imperative at preventing any recurring episodes of the condition. Some of the...

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Simple Health Tips to Ease and Avoid Bursitis

Debra Murray

  Bursae are sacs that are filled with fluid; these sacs are found all over the body. They provide the necessary cushioning and lubrication that muscles, bones, and tendons need in areas where they move across each other. Bursitis is a painful condition where the bursae are inflamed or damaged, thus causing pain. In order to ease the pain of bursitis and to prevent it altogether, there are several steps you can take.    Bursitis and arthritis may be hard to differentiate. In addition, arthritis often leads to bursitis. Super Blue Stuff OTC and Super White Stuff OTC are approved for both arthritis and muscle...

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Simple Health Tips for Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferers

Debra Murray

  For those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis pain, there are alternative therapies to treatment with drugs when dealing with the pain, inflammation and stiffness associated with this condition. Alternative therapies and home remedies are generally safer with less risk of side effects when compared to prescription medications.   Exercise Although exercise may be the last thing you want to do when you are feeling the pain and stiffness from arthritis, exercise can be especially helpful at reducing those symptoms while increasing range of motion in the joints. Gentle, stretching exercises often work best, such as t'ai chi, or aquatic exercise,...

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Simple Health Tips for Arthritis

Debra Murray

  If you suffer with osteoarthritis you are forced to live with stiff, painful, swollen joints every day. This form of arthritis often affects the hips, knees and hands. Natural topical pain relief medications can be lifesavers as they help manage inflammation and pain. When these medications are combined with healthy lifestyle choices, it can make living with arthritis more bearable.   Get Active Regular exercise can help your joints stay flexible, increase mobility and reduce pain. Swimming, water aerobics, stationary biking, Pilates and yoga are ideal choices for arthritis sufferers as they are low impact and they don't put...

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How to Soothe Arthritis Pain at Home

Debra Murray

  Arthritis occurs when a person has an immune system disorder that attacks the joints. However, some people develop it because they were injured or they inherited the condition due to genetics. Arthritis causes inflammation and swelling in the joints that is very painful. Since it is a chronic condition that tends to worsen over time, taking pharmaceutical pain medicine to treat it isn't always possible. Pain medicine is only meant to be used for a short time because it is highly addictive, and this condition lasts for years. Luckily, symptoms of arthritis can be soothed at home using the following...

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Avoid Frozen Shoulder

Debra Murray

Adhesive Capsulitis, or Frozen Shoulder, is an immobilizing and painful condition attacking the shoulder joint and surrounding ligaments. As the name implies, this ailment essentially restricts all movement of the afflicted shoulder causing the joint, for all intents and purposes, to freeze. It more often assails females over the age of forty.   In a healthy shoulder, ligaments surround the joint and work to hold the shoulder bones together. When a person develops Frozen Shoulder, the joint capsule or protective covering becomes inflamed. This "Capsule-itis" results in painful swelling and leads to a stricture of the ligaments and acts as an adhesion...

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Steel and Iron: What To Do After a Workout To Avoid Pain

Debra Murray

Nothing makes people dread exercise more than thinking about how sore they are going to be afterwards, especially if they have ever struggled with muscle or joint pain from an injury. Luckily, this pain can be avoided if the body is cared for properly after strength training or lifting weights. Read on to find out more about some ways to prevent pain after a workout.    Eat Right Away    Because there is so much emphasis on keeping calories down, many people don't realize that they have to eat more often to stay fit, especially before and after exercising. Carbohydrates are used...

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Five Ways to Naturally Reduce Inflammation

Debra Murray

Five Ways to Naturally Reduce Inflammation  The medical community has been stressing the importance of reducing inflammation in the body for many years. That is because of the discoveries that have been made in how it contributes to the development of numerous diseases. Inflammation means that the body is struggling to turn off the natural immune system response that occurs when someone has had an infection or injury. Normally, special anti-inflammatory agents are released as soon as the body detects that the infection or injury is completely healed. If it can't stop, it turns on healthy tissue instead. Luckily, there are some...

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Muscle Pain Hurts: How to Let Your Body Recover

Debra Murray

Unfortunately, most cases of muscle pain don't happen right away. There can be a delayed response to some types of injuries, which causes it to take up to 48 hours for the pain to set in. But when it does, it really hurts. Because of this, most fitness experts recommend that people wait at least two days in between their strength training sessions. However, if the pain still doesn't go away, then there are other measures that need to be taken to help soothe the muscles. Read on to find out more about natural remedies for muscle pain.    Cherry...

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Things You are Probably Doing Wrong in Your Workout

Debra Murray

It is usually those who are just starting out with an exercise regimen that need the most guidance. However, even the fittest exercise enthusiast can use a few pointers to perfect their routine. Because of this, we came up with a list of some helpful hints to follow on how to correct some of the most common workout mistakes.   1. Too Much of the Same Old Cardio Routine The body responds best to exercise when it doesn't know what to expect. Sticking with the same form of cardio each time that you work out may seem comfortable and familiar,...

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Achieve Pain Free Movement

Debra Murray

If you have pain, any movement might cause more pain. Moving around can seem like a gamble. However, all hope is not lost. Pain free movement can be yours when you learn the right information. Take a look at these tips to help you avoid moving with pain any longer.   Know When Your Pain Typically Starts Be aware of the times you're most likely to be in pain. Do you experience pain when you wake up in the morning? Do you feel most pain after your workday? Focusing on the times of day when you feel most in pain...

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Simple Health Tips For When Pain Is Tougher Than Usual

Debra Murray

You've come to accept the fact that pain comes with aging. As the years advance, there is more wear and tear on the body. Arthritis, bones that have been broken in the past and daily aches are par for the course as we age. However, sometimes the pain will be worse, getting in the way of your everyday life. When the pain is tougher than usual, here are some helpful tips to keep you on your feet and moving.   Avoid Strain When your body is protesting, listen to it and don't overdo. While it's understandable that you have things to do, there will...

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