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Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Discover the Magic of Super White Stuff OTC Pain Relief Cream

Marki-MaCaulie White

Your Ultimate Pain Relief Cream Enriched with Argan Oil Living with chronic pain can be a daily struggle, limiting our ability to fully enjoy life's precious moments. Whether it's joint discomfort, muscle soreness, or even minor aches, finding effective relief becomes paramount. Fortunately, there's a remarkable pain relief cream on the market that has garnered immense popularity for its incredible properties: Super White Stuff OTC. What sets this product apart is its potent combination of pain-relieving ingredients, with one new key ingredient gaining positive attention — argan oil. In this blog post, we'll explore the magic behind Super White Stuff...

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Unveiling the Magic

Marki-MaCaulie White

Harnessing the Power of Argan Oil for Effective Pain Relief Living with pain can disrupt our daily routines and diminish our quality of life. Thankfully, nature has gifted us with remarkable ingredients that possess incredible healing properties. Argan oil, derived from the Moroccan Argan tree, stands out as one such ingredient that holds immense potential in pain relief. In this blog post, we will delve into the wonders of argan oil and explore why it is an exceptional addition to pain relief creams like Super White Stuff OTC.   The Miraculous Properties of Argan Oil Argan oil has been used...

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Video Testimonials

Debra Murray

The Original Blue Emu Oil Pain Reliever Jack McClung came up with the idea to add emu oil to pain relief creams back in the 1990s. He had heard about emu oil and its amazing effects, and his mind immediately started working on how he could get that kind of product into the hands of more people. As a serial entrepreneur, he was running a barbecue restaurant at the time, but didn't let that stop him from working on the next big idea. Jack worked up some early formulas and began testing it on customers in his restaurant who had...

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Drug Store Pain Pills Can Increase High Blood Pressure

Debra Murray

  For the most part, medications available for purchase at stores are safe for most people to use moderately when necessary. However, it appears that taking over-the-counter pain relievers can raise blood pressure. Even persons who have normal blood pressure levels can experience an increase when using non-prescription pain remedies, but the effect can be dangerous for those who are already diagnosed with high blood pressure issues.    The Common Cure Over-the-counter pain relievers are the most commonly used medications that can be purchased at nearly any store. They are taken for a variety of reasons, including fever reduction and for relief of...

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Simple Health Tips to Ease and Avoid Bursitis

Debra Murray

  Bursae are sacs that are filled with fluid; these sacs are found all over the body. They provide the necessary cushioning and lubrication that muscles, bones, and tendons need in areas where they move across each other. Bursitis is a painful condition where the bursae are inflamed or damaged, thus causing pain. In order to ease the pain of bursitis and to prevent it altogether, there are several steps you can take.    Bursitis and arthritis may be hard to differentiate. In addition, arthritis often leads to bursitis. Super Blue Stuff OTC and Super White Stuff OTC are approved for both arthritis and muscle...

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Whole Leaf Aloe Vera and Pain Relief

Debra Murray

The aloe vera is a plant that offers numerous benefits and has been used by several cultures for its healing properties. Some of the benefits of this antioxidant-rich plant include weight loss, pain relief, quick healing, constipation relief and moisture restoration. Apart from that, when eaten, this plant helps remove toxins from the digestive tract, improves bowel function and provides nutrients and antioxidants.   One of the most common uses of this plant is pain relief. The aloe vera, also referred to as aloe barbadensis, has a special nutrient-dense gel that is clear and jelly-like. The gel can be obtained...

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Simple Health Tips for Achilles Tendonitis

Debra Murray

Swelling of the Tendon  Individuals experiencing constant ankle and foot pain will have difficulties with everyday mobility. Achilles tendonitis frequently occurs to people over the age of 50 due to wear and tear on the joints in the foot and ankle. Physicians commonly diagnose the condition in patients who have overused the Achilles tendon while exercising. In many cases, an athlete injures the tendon severely with a small tear while lunging during a sport activity, such as rock climbing. If you have discomfort or swelling in the tissue near the heel or foot, then you need an examination to determine...

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Simple Health Tips for Gout Sufferers

Debra Murray

Gout is a treatable but painful condition. Treating gout is important as soon as you notice the first signs of a problem. It's related to arthritis and is quite complex in symptoms and function. It primarily affects the joint of the big toe, and it results in extreme pain that can be debilitating. Healthy living is one of the best treatments for gout sufferers.     Drink Sufficient Amounts of Fluid  Most people are chronically dehydrated. It's important to drink ample amounts of fluids each day to prevent and treat attacks. About two to four liters of water is enough for the average...

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HealthStyle: Athlete – How YOU can live an Athletic Life

Katie Hightower

Did you know that you don’t have to live your life one buzzer beater at a time to live an athletic lifestyle? Being an athlete is simply the act of choosing to live an active, healthy life.   Characteristics of an athlete: Proper Nutrition Dedication to Practice Achieving Enough Rest Nurturing the Body   If you fulfill these characteristics, then you are already embracing the HealthStyle of an athlete!   Nutrition For athletes of any age, one of the most important focus factors is maintaining balanced and healthy nutrition. If you are involved in an endurance activity like cross-country skiing...

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HealthStyle: Olympian

Katie Hightower

            Olympians are considered to be the most elite athletes in the world. They train for years to sharpen their skills in order to compete amongst the best in the world. As you watch the Winter and Summer Olympics, you may find yourself thinking, “I wish I could do that. I wish I could be that athletic or that talented.” And guess what? You can be. Olympians are just like you. Are you ready to embrace the Olympic HealthStyle?               Olympians focus on their training in three different areas: physical training, nutrition and recovery. In order to train like...

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How to Achieve Pain Relief Without Prescription Drugs

Debra Murray

There are several reasons that prescription pain medicine should be avoided whenever possible. First of all, it is highly addicting. Many people get hooked on prescription pain pills, particularly opioids, even when they are taken as their doctor suggests. Also, this type of medication is processed through the liver, which can be damaged over time from all the demands on it. And lastly, it is easy to build up a tolerance to pain medications. Those who use them are often forced to take higher doses of them or switch to stronger types of pain medications, since they don't work as well anymore. The need...

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Five Ways to Prevent Muscle Pain

Debra Murray

Pulling or straining a muscle is easier than most people think. It can happen to the fittest athletes and even the most limber young children, not just older adults. This type of injury can take some time to heal, which reduces the ability to exercise in the meantime. Luckily, muscle pain can be prevented by using the following five easy tips:     Don't Forget to Stretch    It is a good idea to stretch before performing any physical tasks, such as moving boxes in the garage or mowing the lawn. It might seem silly, but it will warm the muscles up,...

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The Dangers of Over-the-Counter Pain Medication - INFOGRAPHIC

Debra Murray

  It cannot be denied that over-the-counter pain medications are convenient. No doctor trips required. No prescriptions needed. These drugs can be found in almost any drugstore or supermarket. However, the most convenient option does not always mean the safest option. Below, you’ll find a list of the dangers that are associated with over-the-counter pain medications along with some replacement natural remedies.   The Effect on Your Heart The improper use of ibuprofen blocks two important enzymes. Blocking these enzymes causes a gradual increase in blood pressure, which in turn causes inflammation and pain. Ibuprofen is actually associated with a...

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Natural Supplement Formulas That Prevent Joint Pain

Debra Murray

  Many people are starting to turn to natural remedies instead of prescription medications. There are three main reasons for this. First, they have fewer side effects, since they are made from natural ingredients instead of chemicals. Secondly, they don't require a doctor's approval to get them. And lastly, they cost significantly less. One of the most common conditions that people use natural supplements for is joint pain. The following is a list of some of the natural remedies that are available to treat this condition:    Turmeric    Turmeric is considered the best spice in the world because of...

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The Most Common Causes of Joint Pain

Debra Murray

  The joints act as connectors to all the bones of the body. Their job is to allow a person to move easily. Joints get a lot of use as a person ages, so they have to be tough, but they aren't impermeable to disease or injury. The most common sign that there is something wrong with one of the joints is pain. It can be caused by many medical conditions, but the following are some of the most common ones that occur:    Rheumatoid Arthritis  This severe type of arthritis is an autoimmune disease that is extremely painful. The...

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How to Know the Difference Between Muscle Pain and Joint Pain

Debra Murray

Joint and muscle pain are both so common that people often get them confused. They are actually two different medical conditions. Doctors refer to muscle pain as “myalgia” and joint pain is called “arthralgia.” Each one has to be cared for in a specific way, so it is important to understand the different symptoms between them.    How to Tell if it is Muscle Pain  Muscle pain is caused by different injuries than joint pain is. Usually, a person gets it when they overexert themselves, or they develop inflammation because of an illness. Tension and stress can contribute to it...

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How to Cope With Chronic Pain

Debra Murray

Chronic pain is different than the mild, fleeting type that comes from stubbing a toe or bumping into a sharp corner. It lasts for years, which has a huge impact on a person's emotional and physical well-being. Luckily, there are some ways to help a person cope with the discomfort.    Use Stress Management Techniques  Debilitating pain that makes day-to-day tasks difficult to accomplish often causes depression and anxiety if a person doesn't have a way to deal with the stress. Meditation can help to get the negative feelings associated with this condition under control. It works by training a...

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What is Myalgia, and How Can It Be Treated?

Debra Murray

In medical terms, muscle pain is called “myalgia”. It can be caused by many different medical conditions, but it most commonly occurs from the muscles being strained or distended from overuse. If this is the case, it can be treated using a combination of any of the following methods:      Rest  It is best to rest for a few days after an injury to the muscles. That way, further damage won't occur. After this, it is important to resume movement because the muscles will get stiff otherwise. This makes them more susceptible to being injured again. Sometimes, doctors recommend physical therapy for muscle strains, which...

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Achieve Pain Free Movement

Debra Murray

If you have pain, any movement might cause more pain. Moving around can seem like a gamble. However, all hope is not lost. Pain free movement can be yours when you learn the right information. Take a look at these tips to help you avoid moving with pain any longer.   Know When Your Pain Typically Starts Be aware of the times you're most likely to be in pain. Do you experience pain when you wake up in the morning? Do you feel most pain after your workday? Focusing on the times of day when you feel most in pain...

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Avoid Lower Back Pain

Debra Murray

80 percent of people will learn, at some point in their lives, what the ache of back pain feels like. The most common causes of back pain are sprains, strains, injuries, herniated discs and age-related degenerative conditions. If your pain is constant and severe, it can affect your personal and work life.   Back Pain Negatively Affects Sleep Getting a good night’s rest with an achy back is next to impossible. Poor sleep patterns can leave you too moody and tired to hang out with your loved ones or be productive at work. No matter how much your family and...

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