The Wellness Blog


Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Tips to Fight Inflammation

Debra Murray

Inflammation is the body's immediate response to fighting off bacteria, viruses and other foreign invaders. When inflammation becomes chronic, it is no longer helpful to your body. Chronic inflammation wears on your immune system and causes it to attack the body's own tissues. This opens the floodgates for a host of chronic diseases including:   Cancer Diabetes Lupus Parkinson's Alzheimer's Fibromyalgia Heart Disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease Arthritis Stroke What makes inflammation in the body even more dangerous is that you won't realize it is happening until it's too late. All hope is not lost, there are some simple things you...

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Breaking Health News on Inflammation

Debra Murray

There are two kinds of inflammation that take place in the body - acute and chronic. When the body is injured or plagued by viruses, bacteria and pollutants, acute inflammation signals white blood cells to rush in and repair the damage. The problem arises when the body doesn't know when to stop healing itself and it ends up attacking its own tissues.   Chronic inflammation is dubbed the "quiet killer" for a reason. It spreads in the body, inflames your tissues and destroys your health without you even realizing it. Next thing you know, you are burdened for life with a chronic...

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Dangers of Inflammation

Debra Murray

  Inflammation is a biological process that's meant to heal the body from infections, bacteria, injuries, tissue damage and other forms of trauma. The affected area swells and becomes inflamed in an attempt to create an environment that is beneficial to healing and repairing.   So when does inflammation become dangerous? As long as inflammation is in the healing or acute phase, it benefits the body. Once this condition crosses from acute to chronic, it can be your worst nightmare. Instead of healing the injured area, this once helpful biological response spreads through your whole body and sets up shop.   When...

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Simple Health Tips for Knee Pain

Debra Murray

Arthritis is a family of incurable musculoskeletal disorders. There are more than 100 different arthritis conditions that destroy joints, bones, muscles, cartilage and connective tissues. These conditions cause pain and hinder physical movement.   The disease affects approximately 50 million adults and 300,000 children and it is actually the nation’s leading cause of disability. When you experience knee pain due to an injury damaged nerves in that area dispense chemical signals. Other nerves then send the signals to your brain which recognizes them as pain. Knee arthritis pain is caused by the following factors:   Inflammation in the joints. Damage to joint tissues caused...

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End Suffering from Dry Itchy Skin

Debra Murray

  We’ve all had our moments of dealing with dry hands, elbows, feet, etc. Often we view dry skin as just a minor nuisance and ignore it. But for many people, dry skin can be more than just an uncomfortable irritant. Taking care of your skin is much more than just a cosmetic concern. Dry skin not only affects the way you look, it can affect you mentally and physically.   Dry skin can feel tight or painful. It can take on a dull red or flaky look and be compounded by itchiness. Sometimes dry itchy skin keeps people awake at...

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