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Blog: Stay up to date with Emu Therapy

Steel and Iron: What To Do After a Workout To Avoid Pain

Debra Murray

Nothing makes people dread exercise more than thinking about how sore they are going to be afterwards, especially if they have ever struggled with muscle or joint pain from an injury. Luckily, this pain can be avoided if the body is cared for properly after strength training or lifting weights. Read on to find out more about some ways to prevent pain after a workout.    Eat Right Away    Because there is so much emphasis on keeping calories down, many people don't realize that they have to eat more often to stay fit, especially before and after exercising. Carbohydrates are used...

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Natural Supplement Formulas That Prevent Joint Pain

Debra Murray

  Many people are starting to turn to natural remedies instead of prescription medications. There are three main reasons for this. First, they have fewer side effects, since they are made from natural ingredients instead of chemicals. Secondly, they don't require a doctor's approval to get them. And lastly, they cost significantly less. One of the most common conditions that people use natural supplements for is joint pain. The following is a list of some of the natural remedies that are available to treat this condition:    Turmeric    Turmeric is considered the best spice in the world because of...

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The Most Common Causes of Joint Pain

Debra Murray

  The joints act as connectors to all the bones of the body. Their job is to allow a person to move easily. Joints get a lot of use as a person ages, so they have to be tough, but they aren't impermeable to disease or injury. The most common sign that there is something wrong with one of the joints is pain. It can be caused by many medical conditions, but the following are some of the most common ones that occur:    Rheumatoid Arthritis  This severe type of arthritis is an autoimmune disease that is extremely painful. The...

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How to Know the Difference Between Muscle Pain and Joint Pain

Debra Murray

Joint and muscle pain are both so common that people often get them confused. They are actually two different medical conditions. Doctors refer to muscle pain as “myalgia” and joint pain is called “arthralgia.” Each one has to be cared for in a specific way, so it is important to understand the different symptoms between them.    How to Tell if it is Muscle Pain  Muscle pain is caused by different injuries than joint pain is. Usually, a person gets it when they overexert themselves, or they develop inflammation because of an illness. Tension and stress can contribute to it...

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Why You Should Not Ignore Joint or Muscle Pain

Debra Murray

Most pain disappears after a person rests and takes it easy for a short while, so it can be a little alarming when the pain lingers on for months at a time. Pain is the body's way of letting someone know that there something is wrong. It is like a defense mechanism to persuade a person to seek medical help, especially when it occurs in the muscles and joints. Read on for a list of four reasons why you should never ignore pain.    A Sign of a Hidden Injury  Some injuries are not visible from outside of the body....

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What Happens to Your Body When You are Sleep Deprived

Debra Murray

It is easy to stay up way past bedtime when you have a lot on your plate, but cutting back on getting a good night's rest each night is detrimental to your health. Read on to find out more about what happens to your body when you become sleep deprived. Higher Risk for Heart Disease  When a person gets far less than eight hours of sleep at night, it has an impact on their heart and arteries, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate that lasts well into the next day. If the sleep deprivation goes on for too...

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No Signs of Slow Down as U.S. Arthritis Cases Rise

Debra Murray

According to recent healthcare research findings, the market for chronic pain therapies will steadily continue with treatments for arthritis and back pain predicted to be the most lucrative over the next decade.     As populations age and people search for better remedies for aches and pains, the chronic back pain and arthritis pain market segments encompassed almost 57 percent of the overall chronic pain drug market in 2010.     Statistics from the National Arthritis Foundation state: Nearly 1 in 5 adults suffer from arthritis, and the number is growing Arthritis affects people in all age groups, including nearly...

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Know the Side Effects of Pain Relieving Drugs

Debra Murray

Nonsteroidal prescription and nonprescription anti-inflammatory drugs all have side effects that accumulate affecting the stomach, liver, and kidneys. They also can affect the cardiovascular system, potentially leading to heart attacks, and are not designed for long-term use. But newer and more promising drugs are often expensive and can also produce questionable side effects.   Understand the ingredients in common topical products The bizarre death of a New York City high school track star from a muscle pain cream overdose earlier in 2011 raised a red flag on the hazards of overusing common over-the-counter medications containing methyl salicylate.   An aspirin-like...

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Safe, Natural, Herbal Alternatives Relieve Pain & Treat Skin Conditions

Debra Murray

Many people are looking for safe, natural alternatives to relieve joint pain, arthritis pain, muscle pain, backaches, sprains, strains, bruises, and pain from headaches. And they are finding the answer with BLUESPRING brand topical and herbal remedies provided by Emu Therapy. We also provide products for facial care, body care, and foot care. These natural lotions aid in keeping skin looking youthful by reducing the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, liver spots and sun spots. All without toxic affects to the body.   Emu Therapy products are derived from natural ingredients and the testimonials of the results speak for themselves. With no risk and complete...

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Breaking Health News on Arthritis

Debra Murray

Are Galectins a New Target for Reducing Arthritis Joint Pain?  Pain is the most common complaint of arthritis sufferers and the primary reason they seek medical treatment or therapy. Pain can dominate the experience of arthritis sufferers often making daily tasks difficult. Many physicians believe that pain control should be the primary goal of medical interventions. Most of this pain arises from inflammation of the joints.   Inflammation is a normal process by which the body gets rid of bad bacteria and repairs the damage caused by physical injuries. The immune cells are key components of this process and therefore...

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Health Warning: Dangers of Arthritis 

Debra Murray

There are several types of arthritis. All of them can cause uncomfortable stiffness and sometimes unbearable pain and can eventually lead to disability.    Osteoarthritis is a condition where a joint such as the fingers, hands, neck, back, hip or knee swells and/or causes pain. This can come about due to aging joints or if the joint has been diseased or injured. Other types of arthritis come about when the immune system attacks the body or when an infection attacks a joint. These types of arthritis can lead to complications that may cause some symptoms to be dangerous.    Even...

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Simple Health Tips for Knee Pain

Debra Murray

Arthritis is a family of incurable musculoskeletal disorders. There are more than 100 different arthritis conditions that destroy joints, bones, muscles, cartilage and connective tissues. These conditions cause pain and hinder physical movement.   The disease affects approximately 50 million adults and 300,000 children and it is actually the nation’s leading cause of disability. When you experience knee pain due to an injury damaged nerves in that area dispense chemical signals. Other nerves then send the signals to your brain which recognizes them as pain. Knee arthritis pain is caused by the following factors:   Inflammation in the joints. Damage to joint tissues caused...

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